signal to space

In 1974, a signal to space was sent and response was received and silenced in 2001

In 1974 a group of scientists sent a signal to space containing the location of the Earth in the solar system, our DNA structure and other relevant details. Well, in 2001, we received an enigmatic response that has gone unnoticed by the general public.

signal to space

In an effort to discover intelligent extraterrestrial life, Carl Sagan sent a signal to space,a transmission known as the ‘Arecibo’ message via radio waves. The message addressed to extraterrestrial intelligent beings was the most powerful radio transmission ever transmitted to space by humanity. In comparison, the signal to space was a million times stronger than a typical television broadcast. Aimed at a group of stars located more than 25,000 light-years away, the pictorial message was sent with the hope that one day we would receive a similar response from another civilization.

The radio signal included the location of our planet Earth within our star system, the basic principles of mathematics and science, and the type of antenna that was used to relay the signal to space, all the characteristics that an intelligent alien civilization should understand . The message prepared by Carl Sagan and his colleagues also included information about our species, our music, even our physical appearance was included in the radio message, as well as in our DNA codes.

A few years after the signal was sent, people forgot about that. Then, 27 years later, already in 2001, a “Crop Circle” that is, a crop circle appeared shaking the scientific community. A pattern appeared in a field, right next to the largest telescope and observatory in the United Kingdom, Chilbolton, where the world’s largest fully addressable weather radar is located, and the surprise was that it seemed like an answer to the transmission sent back in 1974.

It was considered by many as one of the most impressive and important crop circles that has appeared on our planet, since this circle, unlike others, transmitted a direct message from space. While many dismissed the “crop circle” near Chilbolton as yet another deception, the analysis showed that it carried a message, or rather, a response from another civilization. When describing a different solar system in the universe, the image of the emitter, the non-human DNA and some microwave antenna, the Circle of Harvests of Chilbolton was the final answer we had always hoped for.

signal to space

Incredibly, only a year before the extraterrestrial message was discovered, in 2000 a circle appeared in an unknown way next to Chilbolton. A year later, the puzzle was assembled, and we could see that the crop circle that appeared in 2000 was, in fact, a representation of the microwave telescope used to transmit the signal to us. In 2001, three days after the mysterious response appeared next to Chilbolton; another crop circle was found representing what appeared to be an alien face.

According to the portal, the decimal equivalents of the binary code were not modified with respect to the original of ‘Arecibo’. But the atomic numbers of the elements that make up the basis of life had been altered: silicon, an element with an atomic number of 14, was added precisely in the correct sequence: between oxygen (atomic number 8) and phosphorus ( atomic number 15).

In 1969, the late Ben Volcani, a renowned microbiologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, discovered the crucial role of silicon in life based on carbon. His work and that of his colleagues (such as Charles Mehard, also at Scripps, and Edith Carlisle in the 1970s at UCLA) demonstrated that the presence of silicon is critical in a variety of terrestrial life forms, as well as in the structure of human cells: example, in the union of cartilage and mineral aspects of bones.

It remains to be debated whether the circle of crops that appeared next to Chilbolton was, in fact, an extraterrestrial response. However, many people are firmly convinced that not only Chilbolton 2001 is a real message of another intelligent alien civilization in the universe, but we receive similar messages almost every day … What do you think about it? Leave your comment below!!

for more:

Controversy on the Web: Alien message on the NSA website

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