A Strange Case of a Psychic Alien Entity in Australia

The UFO Encounter Of Maureen Puddy: UFO Sightings, Psychic Aliens And Strange Interior Of A UFO

Some tales of UFOs and aliens stand distinct from the rest of the stories that have been publicly revealed. Some stories are so crazy that they resist all attempts to comprehend them, leaving the reader in a state of utter disbelief. Similarly, we have one case of a woman named Maureen Puddy from Australia that is linked to UFOs and an enigmatic psychic being that is difficult to categorize.

Dark road
Dark road

Along a lonely stretch of rural road called Alooraduc Road, near Frankston, in Victoria, Australia, Maureen Puddy was driving on the night of July 5, 1972. She was 27 years old at that time. That evening, she had tea with her mother after visiting Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne to see her son, who had been seriously hurt when a cupboard fell on top of him. Then, she was heading back to her home, taking a shortcut through a dark and deserted area.

Strange UFO Encounter Of Maureen Puddy

A bright blue light shining down on her car and the road caught her attention as she stared into the night, eyelids heavy with exhaustion and battling sleep. At first, she assumed that it could be a helicopter even though it had no sound. Finally, she pulled over the car to check what was going on.

When Maureen Puddy got out of the car and carefully observed the object, she was in a state of disbelief as the object was not a helicopter but a “large circular object, like two saucers placed together, with one upside down,” radiating a brilliant blue light all around. The enigmatic object had no visible joints, rivets, seams, or windows anywhere on it, and it was estimated as being around 100 feet across and 24 feet high. The object appeared to be uniformly smooth metal.

The object was hovering there motionlessly, emitting a very low humming noise. Even though it was doing nothing that showed any signs of danger, Maureen Puddy was scared by the unusual look of it and jumped into her car and left the place.

Depiction of a U.F.O chasing a car (Maureen Puddy)
Depiction of a U.F.O chasing a car

While she was, her attention was caught by the same bright blue light that was illuminating everything around her, making it appear like it was daytime. When she turned around, astonishingly, she discovered that the enigmatic object seemed to be following her, pacing her to keep the same distance between them no matter how quickly she drove the car. She was left startled and a little frightened after the object chased her for almost 8 miles before suddenly rising and shooting off into the sky. When she visited the police at Dromana and reported her sighting, they didn’t take her seriously.

Second UFO Encounter of Maureen Puddy

On Tuesday, July 25th, 1972, Maureen Puddy again visited her son, had tea with her mother as usual, and even returned home along the same route. She’d attempted to move on from that bizarre UFO incident by this point, but it still seemed to be haunting her. This time again, the same disc-shaped object appeared with a brilliant blue light, and it was once again hovering in the sky. Being scared and scared this time, she drove as fast as the vehicle would go and soon discovered that she was losing control of it.

Despite her desperate attempts to regain control of the steering wheel, the car began to drift. In the midst of all this, the accelerator also stopped functioning, causing it to careen off the road and stop. She made multiple attempts to start the car again, but she failed. A voice in her head said, “if you could be in a vacuum, then I have been in one,” as if the speaker were standing right next to her when Maureen was trying to start the car while watching the object. The voice seemed to be coming out of a computer. Furthermore, it said, “Don’t be afraid … we mean you no harm…..your tests will be negative … tell the media you are now in control. “ The blue light went off and the car came back to life after the object had accelerated away.

This time, she again went to the police and reported the event, and once again, they laughed it off. She then decided to report it to the Laverton R.A.A.F. to know whether it was some sort of aircraft that was being tested by the R.A.A.F. She was told by the base that there had been no aircraft or balloons in that area at that time. They even instructed her to not talk about what she encountered.

The instructions that were given to her by the base only increased her confusion, as a result, making her even more mystified and bewildered. She didn’t know what had happened to her or the messages she was receiving in her mind.

Naturally, we questioned Maureen Puddy regarding her experience in the car. What did the messages mean? She said she had not had any recent tests done, but some about six months ago proved negative. There was no use telling her not to be afraid, she was terrified! As for telling the media: she ‘phoned three of the four T.V. stations. One was mildly interested since they were showing “Chariots of the Gods”. Two made light of her news, so she did not bother to contact the fourth. I heard through a radio talk-back program, which in desperation, she had contacted, because the UFOnauts had said to contact the media and she did not want to see them again!!

When I invited her to address one of our meetings at the National Mutual Theatrette, she agreed, and kept the full-house spellbound for about two hours. The hall was crowded, there were even people in the lobby listening through the speaker system – thoroughly fascinated! During the question period that night, Mrs. Puddy was really ‘put through her paces’. “Did she think what she saw was a psychic phenomenon?” “Did she suffer any burns or after effects?” To both these questions she answered “No”. “Did she think there were any other witnesses?” She thought there must have been one at least, because as she was approaching a railway crossing, she saw a man with a torch, leading a cow up one of the side roads. Surely the UFO must have passed very close to him, but would have been going in the same direction. Later the man’s wife contacted her and also a lady living on a ridge, not far from the highway, – both had seen the light!”

UFO researcher Judith Magee, of the Victorian U.F.O. Research Society (VUFORS), who interviewed Maureen in later years

Psychic Phenomenon

Six months later, Maureen’s mind was filled with voices that kept repeating, “Go back to the meeting place.” Initially, she tried to ignore it, but the voice became so persistent, plaguing her throughout the day and night, that she was unable to focus on anything. Once, she heard a voice yelling her name. The voice was coming from outside the front door, but when she opened the door to check who was yelling her name, there was no one there. Everywhere she went, the voice followed her and instructed her to return to the meeting spot, which she imagined was the road she had seen the item on.

Being afraid of going alone, she asked Magee for help. Therefore, she was accompanied by Magee and a researcher named Paul Norman. Magee noticed a faint tingling feeling as they got inside Maureen’s car, and things just got crazier from there.

Before going further I should perhaps add, that as I entered her car, I had the odd feeling that something was amiss, I was experiencing a tingling sensation (like that of a mild electric shock), which passed off quite quickly. Maureen then told me that in the center of the front seat, between where the two of us sat, had appeared an entity completely clad in a type of gold foil suit. As she turned to look in his direction, she was so startled she almost ran off the road, it was quite obvious she was quite shocked by the eventful drive. By this time, we had reached the ‘meeting place which was somewhat hidden from passing traffic by a few trees. We drew to a stop and Paul came to sit in the back seat of the station wagon while I stayed in the front with Maureen.

We were talking about the latest incident along the road, when suddenly, she grabbed my arm and pointed across her car, exclaiming: “There he is! Can’t you see him?” and she shook my arm saying that I must be able to – I tried to explain to her that it was like closed circuit television – from him to her. She said he was coming closer to the car, in fact, so close that if I put my arm out I could possibly touch him. He was now standing almost beside the front headlight, so I asked Paul to take a little walk around the car. As he came to where the entity was standing, the entity moved back to allow Paul to pass between him and the car. At this point the entity beckoned to Maureen to follow him, but she adamantly declared that she would not. I told her I’d go with her and tried to gently ease her out the car door, but she hung onto the steering wheel and would not budge.


Soon after that, Maureen slipped into a state of trance and claimed that she could see the interior of the entity’s ship. She described seeing a large circular room with a huge mushroom-shaped object in the center. She also said that the room had no furniture. There were “lines like those of Roman numerals around the lower portion” of the mushroom-shaped object, and it moved slightly like it was composed of jelly. Now Maureen described to the researchers that she was going around the room, circling the central object. But then soon after, she had a panic episode or seizure.

Psychic Phenomenon as described by Maureen Puddy
Psychic Phenomenon

She was apparently looking around the room and became very agitated at this point, crying, “I can’t get out! There are no doors or windows. I can’t get out!” I put my arm around her shoulders in an attempt to calm her, and could feel tears on my hand. She was really upset and as I clearly visualized what Maureen was describing, I decided to direct my thoughts to the entity; nothing to lose and maybe something to gain – as I was very concerned about Maureen’s state, I felt she may have had a nervous collapse or even a stroke. I silently requested he take pity on the poor girl and suddenly she said, “he wants me to close my eyes”. I replied that she should do so and almost immediately I felt her relax as if in a trance.

Again she began to describe the interior of the object and once again became agitated when she could see no way out of the vehicle. After a brief period, she “came back to us” and we switched on the car’s interior lights and asked if she would care for a cup of tea from our thermos flask. I had just handed Maureen her cup when she said, “Oh, I’m back in there again”, and repeated the description, but this time somewhat more calmly, before stating, “he’s gone. This time he’s really gone. I can tell. It feels different.


She was more calmed and acted normally after this, but she didn’t know what had happened to her. It was described by the Magee that the entity did some sort of hypnosis using psychic powers and verbal clues to influence Maureen’s actions.

Have you ever watched a “fun” hypnotist at work? “When I snap my fingers, you will go into a deeper trance” etc. Was the second meeting (July 25th 1972) about which Maureen stated that while she was sitting in her car, just prior to the voice speaking to her, “that if you could be in a vacuum, then I have been in one” – such an incident? There was no sound, nothing moved, all was calm and quiet, then the voice delivered the message. Was this third incident due to the ‘snapping of the fingers’ when they urged her to act? If this is so, how many people can they hypnotize, perhaps even in their sleep, so we react when “they” wish, whenever “they” ‘snap’ their fingers? I find this a very sobering thought.


The case seemed to be strange and disturbing at the same time for the person who encountered the strange entity and psychic phenomenon. One could wonder what strange forces were there. In what capacity did this mysterious creature have control over the women? Also, why did they come there and what did they want from her? The mystery surrounding Maureen Puddy’s case remains unsolved.

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