
Alien Abduction Of Jocelino de Mattos Who Mated With An Alien

Among the numerous reports of alien abduction that are extremely bizarre, there are some that seem to introduce a variety of new bizarre elements. In certain instances, these reports derail well off the deep end and the onlookers are eventually compelled to take notice. On the evening of April 13, 1979, on the outskirts of the city of Maringa in the state of Parana in southern Brazil, a local man named Jocelino de Mattos,  21, and his younger brother Roberto Carlos, age 13, were walking home after visiting their sister.

Alien abduction of  Jocelino de Mattos
Alien abduction of Jocelino de Mattos

As they walked through an area of the Jardim Alvorada suburb at approximately 11:30 p.m. on a calm, clear evening, they noticed in the sky what at first appeared to be an unusually bright star that seemed to be following them. After some time, they were convinced that this was not a hallucination and that the light was not a star; at this point, things became truly bizarre. Jocelino de Mattos stated the subsequent events:

“When we arrived at the corner where we normally turn right to go home, we felt a strange sensation. My heartbeat started to accelerate, rapidly. I felt my body chilling, something bad. It was the same with my legs, in all my body, a bad sensation. My blood started to run wildly in my veins and I began to walk towards a tree in the middle of a plowed field. I didn’t want to go in that direction but something compelled me and my brother to walk towards it. It was difficult for us to walk because it was plowed and already prepared for planting. Suddenly, we started to walk, and walk… It seems as if we were walking very slowly and then we were walking very fast. We fought against it, but couldn’t. We continued walking. It seemed that it was impossible for us to think of anything else. The only objective was to reach the place where the star was. When we were immediately below the big tree, we both fell down to the ground. The strange object was about 10 to 15 meters away from us and about two or three meters above the ground. It was floating silently, and that’s all I can remember except that I heard a kind of voice that said something like, “The job is not ended, we will be back.” I do not know how I heard that voice but I remember it as in a dream.”

After losing consciousness, they woke up sometime later in a daze, unsure of where they were and having difficulty standing and walking. With each other’s assistance, they were able to stumble forward, but their limbs were slow to respond to their commands, and their balance was unstable.

Their house seemed so far away as they shuffled along, and they were also trembling uncontrollably and suffering from “a strange and sudden hunger.” They were only able to reach their home after exerting great effort and falling numerous times, where they collapsed in front of their shocked family, filthy and disoriented. Jocelino further stated: 

“My mother and brothers were waiting for us. They ran towards us and helped us up. We explained to them what had happened. At first, they doubted us but later they went outside with me and I pointed out the star, which was still there. As we stood looking at the star, silently hovering almost over the trees, about 300 to 350 meters away from us, I began to tell my family what had happened to me and my brother. When I started telling them this, the object seemed to observe us from that distance and suddenly my brother and I received some kind of a shock, so strong it hurled us to the ground. My mother, another brother and my sister were not touched. My mother told me later that when they touched me or Roberto, we felt electrified, or something like that. We did not feel electrified, but we couldn’t move even a finger.”


Following this, the strange object flew away, and they regained control of their bodies. The two brothers attempted to put the strange occurrence behind them, but they were plagued by nightmares and a creeping feeling that something was missing from their memories of the evening.

In the meantime, their story began to circulate, and Jocelino was eventually persuaded to undergo hypnotic regression in order to determine whether or not he retained any trace of the missing memories. Dr. Oswaldo Alves conducted the regression sessions, and it was discovered that there was, in fact, something beneath the surface of what Jocelino remembered consciously. Under hypnosis, he claimed that after collapsing in the field, they floated into the air and toward a door-like opening on the side of the object, and he explained what transpired:

“Then there were two men in the doorway. One of them came in front of me and looked at me very attentively. He took up an object which I didn’t recognize, touched the object to my left arm, and gestured to me to get inside. From that point, we walked a little bit and we arrived in another room full of computers and there was some kind of command display on a table. It had different lights that I did not recognize and cannot explain. After that, they took me to another room full of motors, things I had never seen before. They were not hot and there was no noise. The motors were conic or something like that. Then they took me to another room where there were some photographs similar to those of earth. I could see that the photographs were fixed on the wall in a kind of videotape, a TV screen or something like that. I could not distinguish it very well. Then we arrived in another room full of equipment like hospital equipment. It was a medical room. They asked me to lie down and as I did so, they examined me. Then, after this examination, they collected sperm, a small amount. Then they made me sit down on a kind of table. They put some instruments on my head and they spoke among themselves in a language that I did not understand. It scares me so much.”

Dr. Alves was required to calm Jocelino down at this point, but the session would continue, and when he was ready to speak again, his story would become even stranger. He asserted:


After some minutes a woman arrived in the room. She touched me. She caressed me and it excited me. Then we started to make love. After the relations, she stopped and told me: “Perhaps the seed will come alive.” I did not understand anything. She went out of the room and they spoke between themselves and they told me in thought that they were for peace and that their objective was to study, to understand, the earth. They spoke to me about life, the fights and the wars and I really thought they were for peace, that they were peaceful people, friends. Then they told me: ‘We think it’s time to leave you.’ They took me by my arm and we went the same way we had walked to go to that place until we arrived at the door. I jumped to the ground together with them and they went floating ahead to where they could catch me. I felt myself paralyzed, totally unable to move. They made me lie down on the ground, exactly the way I was before they caught me. Then I came to my senses.

From that point forward, he remembered prior to the regression. The two brothers stepped down from all of the attention they were receiving, and they essentially ceased to discuss it. The case was subsequently discussed in the books UFO Abduction From Maringa, The Agripo Experiments by Wendelle Stevens and UFO Abductions, The Measure Of A Mystery by Thomas E Bullard. Such cases are shrouded in uncertainty because there is no real way to know for sure.

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