Former CIA Agent says Alien Exists and Truth about UFOs is Indigestible

The truth about the phenomenon would go far beyond the simply extraterrestrial, with the ability to transform our world and reality as we know it.

The words were spoken by Jim Semivan, a retired CIA agent (in 2007) after 25 years of service, who was recently interviewed for the Engaging the Phenomenon channel.

“There are a lot of problems associated with revealing this. In this particular case, the government decided to keep it secret. So, over the last 80 years, this has been to the detriment of many people who have had experiences and been told that they are crazy. Which is exactly the opposite,” said the former agent.

“I have met people who are aware of this and, as I mentioned before, one of them told me that the truth is indigestible. It is not something that we can fully understand or accept. It would be like telling someone something they can do nothing about and not knowing the repercussions of it. It is so big, so life-changing and, perhaps, not in a good way,” he added.

Faced with such a statement, James Iandoli, his interlocutor, asked him what could be so shocking and disturbing for the public, if the general notion is that we are being visited by some extraterrestrial intelligence a little more advanced and developed than us.

“I think it goes much deeper. If you talk to the average American, they are not that interested in this issue. We who are discussing this are part of a very small group internationally that cares about this issue, but we are a very small niche. This phenomenon does not affect most people’s personal lives,” Semivan replied.

“In talking about this with Lou (Elizondo), he once drew me a Venn diagram on a whiteboard. On one side was consciousness and on the other was quantum theory. The shaded part in the middle, he said, is probably where this is. And if you think about it, what are the two things that we don’t know much about? Consciousness — whether it’s local or not — and quantum theory.

The subject of UFOs/UAPs would go beyond the simply extraterrestrial, with non-human intelligences capable of materializing in our reality.

In the early days of quantum theory, in the 1920s and 1930s, it was understood that we are immaterial, basically an illusion. Atoms, in general, are invisible and there is no matter there; we are just forms of energy. Now, imagine if the president had to explain this on national television. There is no way to do this without causing a huge shock.

If this fact is declared, there is no turning back. It is said that another presence in the universe visits us and we do not understand it. It has capabilities that defy our understanding, such as manipulating matter and the electromagnetic spectrum, and can show us things that may or may not be real at the same time. This introduces the idea of ​​sovereignty, free will, and raises questions about whether society can bear it, the socio-economic and religious implications are enormous,» he concluded.

Semivan suggests that this fact, that they are not simply aliens, is what has been holding up recent efforts by the U.S. Congress to gain greater transparency about unidentified anomalous phenomena — a term, it should be noted, that replaced the more simplistic “UFO” precisely to give more layers of depth to the reality of it.

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