
Bigfoot Filmed Striding Along The Shore In Northern Ontario

A very good and high-quality video of a Bigfoot (for the standards of typical yeti videos) was filmed recently in Canada and published by the local organization for the study of Sasquatch Rocky Mountain Sasquatch.

Bigfoot Filmed In Northern Ontario

The video of the Bigfoot is said to have been filmed by people boating in northern Ontario. Possibly fishermen. A specific place is not indicated and the identity of the authors of the video is also not called.

The footage shows the fishermen, for some reason, filming the nearby wooded shoreline as a large, fur-covered bipedal creature emerges from the forest and walks for a few seconds along the exposed part of the shore before disappearing into the trees again. 

Notably, the alleged Bigfoot boasts coloration that allows him to largely blend in with his surroundings, and he swings his arms rhythmically and widely in much the same way as the famous Bigfoot from the Patterson-Gimlin film . 

Unlike many purported Bigfoot videos, which are basically some kind of dark moving blob in a dark forest, the footage shows an undeniably bipedal figure that can be seen clearly for about six seconds, which is long enough to get a feel for the elusive cryptid.

More skeptical users may argue that the animal in the video could be a bipedal bear, although this explanation is somewhat stretched in light of how smoothly the creature moves. 

Another explanation that cannot be discounted is that the video is a well-thought-out hoax, either created on the spot using a man in a suit or digitally manipulated. 

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