
The Earth Was Ruled For 241,000 Years By 8 Kings Who Came From Heaven

A document was discovered over the years by scholars in many regions of ancient Mesopotamia believed to be a single manuscript, referred to as “Sumerian King List” or “List of Sumerian Kings”, details how in The distant past, our planet was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a mysterious period of 241,000 years. The text even claims that these rulers “descended from heaven.

The Earth Was Ruled For 241,000 Years By 8 Kings Who Came From Heaven

The List of Sumerian Kings tells an incredible story that many find hard to believe.

“After the royalty descended from the sky, they went to Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; He ruled for 28,800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36,000 years. 2 kings; They ruled for 64800 years … “

“In 5 cities 8 kings ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood washed away … “ (This is written in the first part of the List of Sumerian Kings).

But how is it possible that eight kings ruled over the Earth for 241,000 years? Experts believe the answer is simple: the list combines prehistoric and “mythological” dynastic rulers, who enjoyed long and unlikely realms with more plausibly historical dynasties.

Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 KingsIn other words, scholars are telling us that some things written on the list of Sumerian kings are correct, while others – such as implausibly long reigns – can not be.

In addition, the List of Sumerian Kings not only tells us how long these kings ruled on Earth, it also specifically says that these eight kings “descended from heaven”, after which they ruled for a surprisingly long period.

Curiously, the list details how these eight kings met the end during the Great Flood that swept the Earth. The list also details what happened after the flood, as it clearly says that “other royalty descended from heaven,” and these mysterious kings once again ruled the man.

But is the List of Sumerian Kings a mixture of historically verifiable kings and mythological beings? Or is it possible that the scholars have classified some of the rulers as mythological, because of their peculiar characteristics?

Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 KingsFor decades people believed that the detailed history in the Sumerian King’s List, ie kings with incredibly long lives, their disappearance during the Great Flood, and their replacement with the new kings coming from the sky, were simply another set of accounts Mythological. However, there are many authors and researchers who disagree, suggesting that what is on the List of Sumerian Kings can not be at all mythology, and point out the fact that scholars today partly recognize some of the Kings detailed in the list.

The fact that the Sumerian Kings List mentions eight kings, their names and long realms, as well as their origin – the royalty that came down from heaven – has made many think: “Is it possible that what is written in the List Of Sumerian kings are real historical references? “What would happen if, thousands of years ago, before modern history, our planet was ruled by eight kings from another world who came to Earth from a distant place in the universe and ruled over The Earth for a period of 241,000 years and then return to the heavens?(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)

Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 KingsWhat if the details found on the Sumerian King List are one hundred percent accurate and that, unlike mainstream scholars, these impassable reigns were a possibility, at a time when civilization, society, and Our planet were very different from what it is today? Do these ancient texts prove that the Earth was ruled by ancient astronauts for 241,000 years? Or – as scholars mention – the List of Sumerian Kings is only a mixture of historical records and mythology?

It is worth mentioning that in the ancient text there is a ruler who has been verified archaeologically and historically; It is about Enmebaragesi de Kish, about 2,600 BC

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  1. Please add me on Facebook Jonathan Roberts – Galway Ireland .
    ( Eireann Flag as profile picture).
    I wish to learn more . As a physcic I’m all too aware that others walk among us.
    I had a past life memory and it was so vivid.
    I know it’s ‘earth’ but in it everything was so ‘ clean, the sky , the air the detailing this vision of buildings rising high from stunning green landscapes and a feeling of more happiness than I’ve known in this life.
    But more importantly it felt so free and safe .
    I’m utterly convinced well over 100.000 years ago a very vast civilisation was on this earth.

  2. It amazed me how much people will not do research for themselves the truth is out there all you have to do is really look for it Stop Believing in the lies the government tells you they’ve been lying to us from day one open your eyes peoples.

  3. Coming soon: “Escaping Lucifer’s World”, expose’ of Image created by the Gods and placed in their first man. Attached to his DNA, the image has been passed down for thousands of years and now abides in the DNA of almost every Man on the planet. The book documents the process and provides evidence of the image being empowered through the centuries and explains how it can be empowered today before they return!

    Totally supported by the biblical records of the Hebrew and the descendents of Adam/Noah.
    Coming soon!!

  4. I believe humans before us are much more advanced and civilised than us. They know and can confirm stuffs that we, current humans, will take forever to find out and confirm.

  5. Sumerian King List
    the dates are whimsical on a Human Scale unless we divide
    them by ners (period of 600 years)
    to return to a “Human” year
    Alulim => 28,800 / value of 1 ners = 28,800 / 600 = 48 years of reign
    Alagar => 36 000/600 = 60 years of reign
    En-men-lu-Anna => 43 200/600 = 72 years of reign
    En-men-gal-Anna => 28,800 years / 600 = 48 years of reign
    Dumu-zi 36,000 years / 600 = 60 years of reign
    In-sipa-zi-Anna 28,800 years / 600 = 48 years of reign
    In-men-hard-Anna 21,000 years / 600 = 35 years of reign
    Ubar-Tutu 18,600 years / 600 = 31 years of reign

  6. I believe all things past and present are connected to one source. The ANNUNAKI or GODS as they were called, they were giants. And here is why, all three major religions come from one source through ABRAHAM. Abraham and his father lived in the land of the Chaldeans. The Chaldeans like Assyia and Babylon were all part of the Sumerian 12 CITY STATE Empire or civilization, in the Bible it was referred to as Sumer or Shumer. I matched up time frames and it put ABRAHAM within the Sumerian civilization. This was the beginning of HEBREW, ISLAM and Christianity. So in reality ABRAHAM was in fact a CHALDEAN within the Smerian culture of religion, for at that time there were no Hebrews and Islamic people. Also in reality TERAH was making idols for all 12 city state deities.

  7. clearly we are very young species ., but yet will get there. Some will never get there, some can see but can’t grabs what is infront of them . But the will be a time where all this will be understood ,as some of us are already understanding .Let those whom are sleep continue sleeping , it’s not their time to awaken .. let them be …

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