
Pentagon reveals that UFOs are not of this world and they possess physical evidence of this

For years, the United States government has repeatedly changed its position regarding its official involvement in the UFO investigation. 
In February, a Pentagon spokesperson told science and technology magazine Popular Mechanics that while there was a government program investigating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other unexplained aerial phenomena, the funds were canceled in 2012.
But when Popular Mechanics investigated the secret program, several sources said it is still operational.

Now, a  new report in the New York Times  confirms this news. 
The UFO investigation unit is currently in the Office of Naval Intelligence , where it “deals with classified matters . ” 

The team aims to “standardize the collection and reporting”of unmanned aerial vehicle sightings and publicly disclose “at least some of their findings” twice a year. 
In a  June Senate Committee Report A budget for 2021 was authorized, supporting the unit’s work to reveal any links that unidentified aerial phenomena have to adversary foreign governments, and the threat they pose to U.S. military assets and installations.

Senator Marco Rubio, who chairs the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, acknowledged being interested in knowing the true origin of the unidentified planes that have been flying over US military bases in recent years.

 Rubio said he hopes that “the Chinese, the Russians or some other adversary” have not made any kind of technological leap that allows them to carry out this type of activity.

While these UAVs may come from foreign adversaries, the other possibility is that their origins cannot be identified from anywhere on this planet. And that’s where the New York Times “drops the bomb.” Harry Reid, the former Nevada senator who was instrumental in funding the original UFO program, told the Times that accidents from other worlds have occurred, and that the recovered materials have been secretly studied for decades by aerospace companies. under government contracts.

Astrophysicist Eric Davis, who worked as a consultant on the Pentagon’s original UFO program, told the Times that after examining certain materials, he concluded that they were not of terrestrial origin. 
In fact, Davis reported to a Department of Defense (DoD) agency in March about the recovery of materials from “out-of-this-world vehicles not made on this earth . 

Chronology of “extraterrestrial revelation”

There is no longer any doubt that we are at the gates of the “Great Extraterrestrial Revelation” , and quite possibly the year chosen is this 2020.
The New York Times report, and the anticipated public disclosure of the team’s findings on aerial phenomena, are the latest information regarding the controversial UFO investigation by the Pentagon.

In April, the U.S. Navy officially released three videos  showing unidentified aerial vehicles , several years after images of UFOs chased by fighter jets were first leaked online, thus ushering in the rebirth of UFOs. 
In 2019, the Pentagon confirmed that all three videos, shot by Navy pilots, did in fact show “unexplained aerial phenomena , but they also acknowledged that the images should never have been released. 
Then, in April, the Navy posted the videos on its  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) page , a law that allows full or partial disclosure of information from the United States government to the public.

The videos were first published in 2017 and 2018 by The New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science , a UFO research group founded by former Blink-182 music band member Tom DeLonge. 
Subsequently, the Defense Department released the videos to “clear up any misconceptions by the public as to whether or not the images that have been circulating were real, or whether there are more in the videos.”

Without a doubt we are witnessing something truly historical, the official revelation of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life on our planet . 
It is true that it is not as we expected, for example, an official speech by some president or ships from other worlds descending from our skies, rather it is in the form of information and subsequent official confirmations. 
But it all leads us to the same point, that aliens have been with us for millions of years.

Are we at the gates of the extraterrestrial “Great Revelation” ? Why have they chosen 2020, a year that the world is being plagued by a global pandemic?

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