Phil Roiz – The Man Who Drowned, Went To Afterlife And Returned

A man named Phil Roiz said that after he drowned, he ended up in a kind of “waiting room” where there were other people who had just died. And then two mysterious humanoid figures brought him back to Earth.

Phil Roiz Afterlife Encounter

The Afterlife Encounter Of Phil Roiz

Roiz spoke about his experience in a new NDE video from the YouTube channel “The Other Side NDE”.

In 2012, he got food poisoning and was very ill. While washing in the shower, he vomited, lost his balance, and fell to the floor of the stall, hitting his head. But this was not the cause of his “death”, but the fact that when he fell, he firmly blocked the shower drain with his body, and the water began to quickly fill the booth.

Roiz remembers how he tried to fight, but he had no strength at all and the water ended up covering his face. And then he ended up in a strange place.

“The next thing I remember, I’m in a place that looks like a room, the size of a normal bedroom. There was the floor of my bathroom, but there were other people around me in other rooms,” he said.

“I saw that there were other people around me, to my right there was a guy who was lying on the floor, he was on all fours and groaning. He looked like he was also poisoned with food.

I also heard a woman moaning nearby, and I really could know what she was thinking. She was sad because she had died and she had small children she didn’t want to leave.

I didn’t realize I wasn’t completely dead yet, but I was apparently “in line for Heaven” or where you go after death to relax or get out of your earth body or whatever. this kind, I don’t know.

It looked like we all arrived here at the same time and it was like a big queue.

I got the impression that we’re moving somewhere, maybe heading to the spirit world or somewhere you might go to change your soul, get another body and come back through the moon to be reincarnated or something. something like that.”

Phil Roiz lives in Dallas, Texas. He believes that he then poisoned himself with stale packaged salad from the supermarket. At some point, having already come home, he felt very weak. Then he started having pains in his stomach, there was vomiting, and when he went to bed in the evening, he could not fall asleep for a long time.

Phil Roiz Afterlife Encounter

And the next morning he went to the shower before work, and there it all happened to him. And he was almost ready to go where the other dead were going, but suddenly two humanoid beings appeared in front of him.

“These two creatures came up to the room where I was and looked down at me. They looked like men. I don’t remember their faces specifically. I don’t remember if they had long hair and beards or maybe they looked like angels or something like that, but I got the impression that they were humanoids, but still not quite like us.

The one on my right said to the one on my left, “What is he doing here? He doesn’t belong here. Send him back to the shower.”

And I immediately left my “room” or my “bubble”, turned around, and went back through the tunnel of light. It wasn’t white light, it was like colored lights. Then the memory of this scene ends and I “wake up” in my shower.

However, he had not returned to his body yet. Phil immediately understood this, because he did not feel any pain. Then he saw that he was looking down at his body and that only a small part of his head was sticking out of the water. Everything looked so strange that Phil did not even immediately realize that he was looking at his own body.

But after a few moments, Phil returned to his body and he finally had the strength to rise from the water. He was saved.

Phil says this incident changed him forever.

“I no longer worry about death. I know that we continue to live and our soul lives forever, and we go to different places. I have lost motivation for my career, to climb the career ladder, and to earn big money. Many things no longer have meaning to me. 

I now have no desire to have super nice material goods. I am now a different person. I am much more spiritual, not so religious, not so organized religious, but I am much more spiritual than before.

In this experience, I did not see the Lord or God, our father, although I know that they exist – I just did not have much time.

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