
Ancient energy machine- The Great Pyramid Of Giza: Replica of Tesla’s Power Plant

The Great Pyramid of Giza is classified as one of the best examples of ancient energy machines and It is considered as a masterpiece of architecture and engineering.
It is believed to be a Tesla-like power plant created thousands of years ago according to ancient astronaut theorists.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is regarded as a large ancient structure that had the capability of utilizing the Earth’s natural properties in order to produce a colossal amount of energy.

The energy is said to have been utilized by the Ancient Egyptians and other civilizations such as the ancient Maya and others around the world for thousands of years.
This theory, however, has been strongly condemned by renowned researchers.

Pyramid Of Giza

If we proceed towards the past of ancient civilizations from another perspective, we will learn that they used advanced technologies millennia before mainstream science reinvented them.
The thought that ancient civilizations evolved from a primitive state approached towards an advanced state is something that mainstream scholars have tried to implement as the ultimate truth inside our society, schools, and history books.
However, this is not the case as ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we believe.
Advanced technologies were present in ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, and in North, Central, and South America.
Electricity, electrochemistry, electromagnetic technology, metallurgy, advanced engineering, including hydrogeology, chemistry, physics, and advanced forms of mathematics and astronomy were all in practice thousands of years ago that to on a large extent.
Many experts approve of electricity being widely used in the land of the Pharaohs, with the Baghdad battery being one of the best examples of such advanced technology in the distant past.
Mainstream schools, however, contradict such theories.
Through careful examination of details left behind by the ancient Egyptians, a different truth comes into the picture where we can see that advanced techniques were used for the erection of Pyramids and other buildings in Ancient Egypt.
While mainstream scholars firmly condemn the notion that ancient Egyptians using electricity.
Many believe there is sufficient proof to support this notion.
Intricate carvings exhibit that the Ancient Egyptians used handheld torches supposed to be lit up by fire.
But in reality, they powered by means of wireless electricity thousands of years ago. These mysterious torches were not the only example in ancient Egypt.

It is believed that the primitive lighthouse in Alexandria was powered by an Arc lamp, an important piece of evidence indicating that electricity was being used in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. 
But, the electricity required to run such giant buildings on a daily basis could only have been supplied by a huge electrical source.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, whose role remains unknown is believed to have been used as some source energy-producing machine powering Egypt.
As a matter of fact, the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered by white tufa limestone, placed together in such a way that not even a single piece of paper could be inserted between the stones.
It is essential to mention that white tufa limestone used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza does not consist of magnesium and has very high insulating properties.
The magnificent insulation property of the stone must have allowed the ancient Egyptians to have complete control over the release of energy from within the Pyramid.
The stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from another form of limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to have two crucial properties that allowed maximum power transmission.
The shafts built inside the pyramid were made of granite and is a bit radioactive substance allowing the ionization of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid, similar to the characteristics of a conductive insulating cable.
A source of energy was the only key ingredient missing for the pyramid to function as an energy-producing machine.
Regarding which the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid took benefit of the water at the Giza plateau. 
Interestingly the Giza plateau where the pyramids are located is full of underground water channels.
The Pyramids at the Giza plateau rise above the limestone layers located underneath (Aquifers), and the spaces in between them are filled with water, and these layers of rock are capable of transmitting energy upwards as they carry the underground water to the surface.
Meaning that the high volume flow of water that flows through the underground cavities is capable of generating an electrical current- known as physio-electricity. 
The chambers built within the Great Pyramid of Giza are contemplated as granite conductors executed in the design, charged with physio-electricity.
Given the material and specific construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the electromagnetic field that forms at the very bottom of the Pyramid is transmitted towards the upper layers of the pyramid.
A device of excellent electric conductivity was located on the top of the pyramid, where today an empty space remains the only evidence of a pyramid that in the past, looked very different.
Appealingly, traces of this long-lost ancient technology were rediscovered in the 1900s by the great Nikola Tesla.
Between 1901 and 1917, Tesla built a tower at Shoreham and applied a nearly identical form of this ancient technology, used in Egypt over 4000 years ago.
Tesla’s tower was also said to have been built upon aquifers, which means that the electric technology used by Tesla is identical to that implemented in the erection of the Great Pyramid. 
Both the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s tower was systems that produced negative ions and were capable of transmitting them without the electric cables, wholly free and wireless energy that powered other electrical components through vast distances.
Though, it seems that the Ancient Egyptians were not the only ones to have comprehended the advantages of this ancient technology.
Lately, a study has resulted that a natural sinkhole, also known as ‘cenote’ is situated underneath the Pyramid of Chichen Itza.
Experts have claimed that it is linked to other caverns and lakes in the area. The water filling the cavern is believed to flow from north to south.
This means that the Pyramid of Chichen Itza lays upon a subterranean water source similar to Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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