Browsing Tag
Mind Control
5 posts
The Astounding Dr. George Estabrooks – Could Hypnotize And Control Anyone Without Consent, Worked For US Govt.
“I can hypnotize a person without his knowledge or consent to commit treason against the United States,” these…
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum: A Mind Influencing Technique Used In Gulf War
It is our belief that we have free will and that our decisions and thoughts are our very own. Our…
CIA Secret Remote-Viewing By Pat Price: Underground Alien Bases And Manipulation Of Humanity
Pat Price was very skilled when it came to the field of remote-viewing. His abilities were so well-known…
The Russian Woodpecker Signal: Soviet Mind Control And Weather Control Experiments
In 1978, various U.S researchers had an argument about a signal that originated from within the Soviet Union,…
The Mysterious Death Of Frank Olson, Who Jumped From The 13th Floor After Experimenting With Mind Control
The death of Frank Olson is on the list of some of the most mysterious and dark conspiracy…