After the preliminary document of the UFO Report was released to Congress today, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, signed a new memorandum ordering the development of a plan to formalize the mission currently carried out by the UAPTF (Unidentified Aircraft Group of Phenomena Task Forces).

In the one-page document posted on the Department of Defense site late this afternoon, Hicks lays out three key components:
- Establish procedures to synchronize the collection, reporting, and analysis of the UAP problem set, and to establish recommendations for securing military training and testing spaces.
- Identify the requirements for the establishment and operation of the new activity, to include the organizational alignment, resources and personnel required, as well as the necessary authorities and a timeline for implementation.
- To be developed in coordination with the Auxiliaries of the General Staff, the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the officers of the Combatant Commands and with the Director of National Intelligence and other relevant interagency partners.
Finally, it ends with this statement: “All members of the Department will use these processes to ensure that the UAPTF, or its monitoring activity, has reports of the UAP’s observations within two weeks after the occurrence.”
With this memo, what was said in the Report presented in Congress is made official, which urges the creation of greater machinery to investigate UFOs (UAPs). It is also in tune with certain rumors that the Air Force is building and will build tracking stations along the east and west coasts to better deal with these strange sightings under, in, and over the sea.
PDF document: Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Assessments (PDF, 1 page)
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