
Turkmenistan Intends To Close Its Famous “Door to Hell”

The door to hell is officially known as the Darvanza Well, it is 69 meters in diameter, 30 meters deep, and has an internal temperature of 400 ° C.

Door to hell
Well of Darvanza or the Gate of Hell.

This “door to hell” was created after an accident in 1971, during gas exploration work by Soviet geologists, who saw their equipment and tents being swallowed up by the earth.

Fearing the escape of several dangerous natural gases, the team decided to set it on fire with the idea that it would be extinguished in a few days, however, it has been burning for half a century, giving an impressive show worthy of its nickname.

Now, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aims to extinguish the burning gas crater forever.

As reported by the local agency Vatan, a large amount of gas has been burning in this area of ​​the Karakum desert for decades. A circumstance that negatively affects the environment and the health of the people who live nearby. Natural gas is also consumed from which important benefits could be obtained to guarantee the well-being of people.

In this regard, Deputy Prime Minister Shakhym Abdrakhmanov, who is in charge of the fuel and energy complex, was instructed to attract scientists and, if necessary, foreign specialists to find a solution to this problem.

Door to hell
George Kourounis in a heat-resistant aluminum suit tests temperatures at the edge of the well in Darvaza, Turkmenistan.

“We are creating and will continue to create all the necessary conditions for the development of the colossal reserves of hydrocarbon resources of a neutral and independent Homeland in the interest of the native peoples,” said Berdymukhamedov.

It should be noted that this is not the first attempt to turn it off, hence the great call.

In November 2013, the famous Greek-Canadian traveler and explorer George Kourounis descended to the bottom of the crater to conduct research and collect samples. He managed to find bacteria that live at the bottom of the crater at high temperatures. These bacteria are nowhere to be found on Earth’s surface, and they feel great living in a small ecosystem at the bottom of a hot crater.

Source: TP 

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