
UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane ! More false could not be !

Today the network has been inundated by this video that supposedly shows a UFO recorded from an airplane while flying over Spain. After analyzing the material, it has not taken much work to rule out that this recording is a real UFO sighting.

Although at first glance it can be seen that this is an edited video, we wanted to take the trouble to verify it, so as not to remain only in words, but also to show evidence. You will then see the video in question

Now you must have an opinion, maybe in favor of the video or maybe against. Well, let’s move on to the analysis. As we said, it really only took 4 minutes to get these images from the video;(UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane)

Images that prove that this UFO that they want to sell us like real alone is an object added to the video, in other words embedded in a video, using some editing program. And unfortunately it was not the best editing job.

Look at the images below, which show a suspicious edge always present in the various shots or captures we made.

UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane

UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane

And in this other image, it seems that by trying to edit the Flying Object they simply “trimmed a piece of the sky”, and left a strange hole …

UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane

Then gentlemen, this case is totally ruled out. We respect the opinions of those who still believe in the authenticity of the video, however they already know our opinion, and we leave the evidence to them.(UFO sighting in Spain recorded from an airplane)

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