
Was The Famous Roswell Incident A Military Experiment?

Renowned UFO researcher, Leonard Stringfield, who passed away in 1994 believed that, since the 1940s, the United States government had secretly recovered a number of crashed UFOs and dead aliens, which were stored and preserved at a number of military bases across the country, including many at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. He was provided with a number of reports regarding the topic of hidden and horrifying human experimenting on disabled persons, which was linked to the Roswell incident. He received one of these stories from a highly contentious figure in the field of Ufology. The person raised a controversial question “was the famous Roswell incident a military experiment”?

Timothy Cooper is a resident of Big Bear Lake, California, who retired from the field of UFO investigation many years ago. Many in the UFO community dislike Cooper, believing that many of the documents he provided to the UFO community in the mid-1990s were fraudulent rather than the highly sensitive materials that they claimed to be. Cooper, however, was not a forger. However, it is necessary to investigate the “pre-documents” period. It depicts Cooper in a completely different light than many Ufologists believe he is.

Tim Cooper informed Stringfield in 1990 that he had a number of old-timer sources, some of whom confirmed that aliens did indeed land outside of Roswell in the summer of 1947. Others, on the other hand, quietly intimated to Cooper that the truth was far more controversial: a scenario involving human guinea pigs, Japanese and disabled people, and the fabrication of UFO-themed disinformation campaigns and manufactured pro-UFO materials to hide the truth about the Roswell mystery.

Cooper also provided Stringfield with one specific story in 1990, which Stringfield decided to keep under wraps until the following year, 1991, when he released it in a lengthy report on alien spacecraft that had crashed and been covertly retrieved.

The story was about a woman whom Cooper met for the first time in 1989. He simply identified her as a nurse and gave her the pseudonym “Mary,” which was similar to the true name of another nurse mentioned in the story. Cooper’s informant supposedly worked at “what is the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico decades ago.”

In Cooper’s own words of 1990, and which Stringfield published:

“She casually mentioned to me over coffee that ‘bodies’ were being flown to Los Alamos periodically from late 1945 to sometime in 1947. I asked her if she had seen these ‘bodies’ and she said no, but others had. I asked her where these ‘bodies’ were coming from. She said she did not know but it was rumored that they were human experiments for biological and nuclear medicine research. She thought they may have come from Japan after the war [italics mine].

I asked her why she thought that. She said that they were small bodies with deformed heads and limbs. The eyes were abnormally big, she was told. She did have some view of them in the morgue very briefly for a few minutes at some distance. I asked her why she was allowed to be present at the autopsies. She told me that she was asked to assist in the preparation and cleanup. I asked her again about the bodies. She said they were being flown in on special transport planes equipped with refrigerator units to keep the bodies from decomposing. The flesh was badly burned and charred. There was no hair on the heads and had a grayish-yellow color. That’s all she knew.”

All of this shows that the Roswell tale becomes increasingly dark if we examine the “human angle” of what happened in Roswell in July 1947 while dismissing the “extraterrestrial angle.” Was the Roswell incident a military experiment”?

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