10 conspiracy theories that shockingly turned out to be true

If you are amused by stories about how the authorities use the media for propaganda, and special services are organizing coups in other countries, then here are 10 stories that you could laugh at too, if they were not true. As a rule, the ground for the emergence of conspiracy theories becomes a lack of facts explaining an event, usually tragic — many of these theories have been around for decades and have become part of the culture.

The spread of the Internet has affected this area of human thought in two ways – on the one hand, we now have more opportunity to verify the facts.

On the other hand, it has also become easier to broadcast propaganda, because, despite the apparent democratic nature of the Internet, they are easy to manipulate, and corporations pay a lot of money to cover up their dirty tricks with various nonsense.

Of course, the main and most powerful players in this field are governments. In the 1960s, the CIA used a network of hundreds if not thousands of organizations to support the official point of view — one can only imagine how extensive this network is now.

Not to mention the fact that most of the information we receive is controlled by a single algorithm patented by Google. In the past decade, thanks to the activities of groups such as WikiLeaks and Anonymous, we have received a lot of new data and documents, previously hidden from the public, and, thanks to fearless journalists, exposers from inside companies, hackers, activists and people like Snowden, who publish secret information, the wall of lies, erected by the power of corporations, continues to arise new cracks.

1. Operation Ajax, an Iranian coup accomplished by the CIA

Operation Ajax Conspiracy theories

In Iran, this event is called the coup 28 of the Mordad, in the UK – the operation “Kick”. No matter how you call it, this is about a coup in Iran, during which democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown and the monarchical authority of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was restored.

The main reason for the coup was Mosaddyk’s attempt to nationalize the Iranian oil fields, which threatened the profits of the British-Iranian oil company owned by the British. The United States, firstly, helped the ally, and secondly, they viewed the Mossaddyk movement as a communist.

The Iranian revolution of 1979, which led to the emergence of an anti-Western Islamic republic led by Ayatollah Khomeini, became a virtually direct consequence of Operation Ajax. Although it was already a secret to Polichinel, the US government until recently continued to conceal the truth about Operation Ajax – only 60 years after the events, CIA documents were declassified.

2. “Naira’s Testimony”, a false pretext for the first Gulf War

Today it is believed that power and intelligence manipulated the American people and their representatives in Congress in order to unleash a second Iraq war, with false intelligence information.

Moreover, almost no one knows that the first Iraqi war began in a very similar way. People are accustomed to considering the operation “Desert Storm” an example of “just war”, but the fact is that they do not know the story of a 15-year-old girl named Naira. Meanwhile, it was her testimony in the Committee on Human Rights of the American Congress in 1990 that secured the idea of Iraqi war crimes in public consciousness.

Naira told the Commission how “the armed Iraqi soldiers broke into the hospital, threw the newborns out of the incubators and left them to die on the cold floor”.

This is a terrible image – and completely fictional. A detailed investigation by Amnesty International and other independent groups found that Naira’s story was invented by Hill & Knowlton PR (the largest in the world at the time). She was hired by the organization Citizens for a Free Kuwait for the purpose of propaganda, designed to incline the Americans to war. The campaign was controlled by a trusted Bushman, a certain Craig Fuller.

It was a large-scale project in which 119 top managers of H & K were involved in 12 offices throughout the United States. The role of Naira has even held a casting – it turned out to be Naira Al-Sabah, the daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States Saud Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah.

3. Operation “Clip”

Operation "Clip"  true conspiracy theories

Operation Clip (the first name is “Hopelessness”) was a secret plan for recruiting Nazi scientists by American intelligence at the end of World War II for further work in the United States — about 1,500 Germans, including engineers and technicians, participated in it.

Formally, scientists were taken to prevent the Nazis from restoring the German government, in addition, it was important to prevent technology from falling into the hands of the USS

R. Whatever the plan behind Operation Clip, as a result, ruthless Nazi criminals were also resettled in the United States. According to the publication Ynet, Nazi scientists, rescued by the CIA from a military tribunal, helped develop American chemical weapons, and together with American scientists developed LSD – then it was believed that this would be a “truth serum.”

4. Operation Gladio, anti-communist provocations in Italy

Operation Gladio was a joint post-war project of the CIA, NATO and MI-6 to fight communism in Italy. It lasted two decades and used the networks created by the CIA, designed to act in the rear of the Communists in the event of their invasion of Western Europe.

During this time, from the 1960s to the 1980s, a number of terrorist attacks were committed, the responsibility for which was placed on the Communists and other left-wing political opponents in order to present communism in an unfavorable light.

As a result of several explosions, hundreds of innocent people, including children, were killed, and the most noticeable act of terrorism was an explosion at the Bologna railway station on August 2, 1980, which resulted in 85 people being killed. How do we know about the operation “Gladio”?

There are two main sources. The first is an investigation by Italian judge Felix Casson, which turned out to be so convincing that Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti had to confirm the existence of Gladio. The second source is the testimony of the Gladio operative, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, who is serving a life sentence for murder.

5. The government uses insects, rodents, and drones to spy

conspiracy theories

Often they say jokingly that, supposedly, that bird is a government spy, how carefully it looks at you. Meanwhile, although we do not know the details, it is certain that the American government has similar technologies, and they are used both for military purposes and to spy on their own citizens.

The insect-drone conspiracy theory first emerged in 2007, when anti-war protesters reported strange buzzing insects. Officials rejected this assumption, calling it nonsense, but many witnesses reported strange objects soaring in the sky, resembling a dragonfly. Meanwhile, the military use of miniature drones and “animal spies” is undeniable. In 1999, DARPA launched the Stealthy Insect Sensor project (“Insect as an inconspicuous sensor”), the goal of which was to learn how to use bees in combat zones as bomb detectors. In his book The Brain of the Pentagon.

The history of the DARPA, a top secret US military research agency, without censorship “(of The Pentagon’s Brain: of An Uncensored History of the DARPA, America’s the Top Secret Military Research Agency) journalist Annie Jacobsen showed that the agency is working on a” biogibridov “, ie animal cyborg with military purposes.

6. Killings and coups in foreign countries, organized by the CIA


When supporters of the Democratic Party say that foreign agents have influenced the recent US presidential elections, it’s hard not to notice the irony. First, they have no evidence, except that intelligence agencies allegedly consider this to be true. And secondly, over the past 100 years, the US government and security services, namely the CIA, have aggressively intervened in elections abroad many times, and in some cases directly financed the killing of candidates. Here are just a few of the most obvious cases of CIA interference in foreign elections and other political processes:

South Korea (late 40s); Italy (1948 – mid 70s); Guatemala (1954); Congo (1960); Dominican Republic (1961); South Vietnam (1963); Brazil (1964); Uruguay (1969); Bolivia (1971); Chile (1970-1973); Argentina (1976); Australia (1975); El Salvador (1980); Iran (late 70s); Grenada (1983); Haiti (1986); Panama (1990); Nicaragua (1990); Czechoslovakia (1990); Peru (1990–2000); Yugoslavia (2000).

This is only a small sample of countries where even the main news agencies, and in many cases the CIA itself, have recognized the fact of the interference. It would not be an exaggeration to say that there are dozens of other examples – and now we are talking only about “soft” coups, otherwise we would have to include in the list the complete military destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other Middle Eastern countries during the “war against terrorism”, as well as countless imperial wars against the “communist threat”. (conspiracy theories)

7. Media – the propaganda branch of the State Department

conspiracy theories

People have long accused the major media of having become a trusted division of the US State Department, in a very complex and well thought-out way to simultaneously form public opinion and mimic the presence of opposition. The first evidence that the media could indeed be the mouthpiece of the government came after the disclosure of the so-called Operation Mockingbird. In effect, the CIA forced journalists, US news agencies, and large broadcasters to become propagandists and spies. In the end, journalists from all leading news organizations — literally thousands of people — were drawn into this symbiosis with the CIA.

This policy was carried out in the 50s, at the beginning of the Cold War, under the pretext of fighting communism. The CIA began to limit the use of journalists in the program “Mockingbird” in 1976, but many believe that since then it has transformed into something more powerful and omnipresent.

During the presidential election of 2016, several alarming revelations appeared on WikiLeaks, exposing collusion between the media and politicians – namely, the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton headquarters. But it was not only about influencing the election result. New revelations have shown that the government is actively seeking to launch hands into the largest media corporations in order to influence how the world shows them.

8. “Deep State” (or conspiracy theory, formerly known as the New World Order)


For decades, radical ideologies of both left and right were arguing about the conspiracy idea of the shadow secret government, or the “New World Order,” which supposedly controls the heads of state and industry leaders.

After the 2016 elections, the concept of a “deep state” became common in the discourses of theorists from alternative media, spreading along various trends and refracted in various ideologies. Now everyone, from the “alternative left” to the “alternative right,” believes in the existence of a collision between elites, represented by the political establishment and non-conservative industrialists, who allegedly run a geopolitical show.(conspiracy theories)

Fortunately for the people of Earth, the revelations that have appeared on WikiLeaks and in other sources over the past few years clearly show that the New World Order not only exists but is a much more influential organization than naive supporters of conspiracy theories could imagine.

SEE – The 13 Families Who Rule the World: Dark Forces behind the New World Order

9. The CIA used psychics to infiltrate the USSR during the Cold War.

conspiracy theories

This is a popular plot in fiction: a man with supernormal abilities, which the authorities use to find the criminal. The concept of the government program for the creation of mental weapons has become particularly popular after the release of the film “Mad Special Forces”, based on the history of the semi-mythical project StarGate.(conspiracy theories)

Of course, we are used to laughing at such stories and attributing them to meaningless conspiracy theories. But recently, hundreds of thousands of declassified documents of the CIA finally confirmed: the services of psychics are regularly resorted to by the police and other law enforcement agencies, and, moreover, the government actually tried to create an army of psychics during the Cold War to get information from the Soviet Union.

10. CIA monitors US citizens through their gadgets


In early 2017, WikiLeaks began to publish shocking revelations about the possibilities of hackers from the CIA. The data shows that the agency has access to an incredibly wide range of vulnerabilities, exploits and specially created “secret passages”, which, according to many experts, means a gross violation of civil liberties.

The main of these violations is surveillance of their own citizens and hacking of user devices – as the WikiLeaks documents show, for this the CIA has a lot of opportunities.(conspiracy theories)

The agency can hack a smartphone on Android and iOS or a personal computer, in fact, having obtained full remote control over the device; can access smart TVs to listen to your conversations; can crack cars and arrange accidents – “almost imperceptible murders”. And, of course, the CIA hides these vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers from other countries.

This can hardly be called a surprise – information about government crimes leaks slowly but inexorably, continuing to embarrass and alarm citizens, activists, entrepreneurs and international leaders.

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