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13 posts
Secret CIA Unit Took Possession of 9 Alien Ships Of Which 2 Were Intact
A secret CIA unit searched the world for the remains of crashed UFOs and discovered at least nine…
The CIA declassifies Archives on Pyramids and an extinct civilization on Mars
Among all documents declassified by the CIA, they have just found a transcript of an experiment for which…
Is There A Secret Time Travel Program Of The CIA?
we all have heard or seen about time travel in movies.The following article features all the info regarding the secret time travel program of CIA
Andrew Dawson Posted Footage Of A Giant And Died After Claiming To Be Chased By The CIA
The fear of governments, aliens, Men in Black, and secret agencies has remained amongst the ufologists. This is…
CIA Secret Remote-Viewing By Pat Price: Underground Alien Bases And Manipulation Of Humanity
Pat Price was very skilled when it came to the field of remote-viewing. His abilities were so well-known…
Former CIA Officers Jim Semivan And John Ramirez Alien Encounter: There’s A Whole Other Reality That Surrounds Us
Since 1947, the CIA and UFOs have been interlinked together. People who used to work for the CIA…