
2 Black Hawk Helicopters Were Recorded Escorting A UFO Over Durham

What would happen if you saw several military helicopters chasing an unidentified flying object (UFO) over your city? Well, this is what has happened in Durham, Connecticut, USA, where a security camera recorded a similar incident causing a stir on social networks. The video was uploaded to YouTube on January 23 by the AlienScientist channel  with the following description:

“Raw security camera footage of the 2 Blackhawks escorting a ticking glowing orb UFO. Recorded at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, January 20, 2022.”

UFO chase

As can be seen in the images, two military helicopters appear to be escorting or chasing a flying object of unknown origin. The UFO in question glows brightly and appears to be in the shape of an orb. It even looks like the light is so intense that it reflects off the houses just below. Unfortunately, no further details about the incident have been provided, leaving the 24-second video open to speculation.

The mysterious video was analyzed by popular ufologist Scott C. Waring. Waring, who currently resides in Taiwan, suggested that the UFO sighting could be irrefutable proof of the alien presence on Earth. He also added that the US military could be cooperating with an advanced alien species.

“Here we have two military helicopters escorting an unknown craft,” Waring writes on his UFO Sightings Daily blog. “The ship glows brightly and appears to be orb-shaped. This is a shocking encounter between military and alien ships. Not a typical meeting, they are escorting the alien ship to the nearby US military base for some important conference. Most deals made with aliens will involve trade as technology is the most powerful commodity for the US military. Absolute proof that the US military is working in an alliance with aliens.”

What do the skeptics think?

However, the most skeptical did not share the opinion of those who believe that the mysterious flying object was an alien spacecraft. Some said it was three Black Hawks on a military operation. They reckon that while Connecticut does have military bases, any Black Hawk helicopter would most likely come from Sikorsky Aircraft (owned by Lockheed) , the makers of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and other military helicopters.

A user claiming to be a Blackhawk instructor pilot explained that it was just 3 helicopters doing an “NVG” formation flight using standard SOP-led lighting for low flight. That would be a routine procedure. As if that were not enough, several media confirmed that it was two Sikorsky UH-60M Blackhawk with registration numbers 20-21105 and 20-21106.

They reportedly took off from Long Island MacArthur Airport at 6:16 p.m. local time and flew zig-zag toward Westover Air Reserve Base. They then flew near Mt. Tom State Reservation and Mountain Skinner State Park, then returned to Long Island’s MacArthur Airport.

More than just helicopters

At this point, you will think that it is a solved mystery. The media explanation matches the security camera footage, except that the video shows THREE flying objects … especially at the end when they each enter a cloud.

2 Black Hawk Helicopters Were Recorded Escorting A UFO Over Durham

It is also really strange, not to say dangerous, that the supposed main helicopter flies without lights. It goes without saying that these details have caused quite a controversy in the ufology community, where they are really convinced that it is a UFO chase.

So what did the security camera actually record? Without any other information, questionable tracking data, and no witnesses we can’t say for sure. But what cannot be denied is that it is a somewhat strange sighting.

Do you think this is Black Hawk helicopters chasing a UFO?

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