
Ancient Vimana and the UFO Phenomenon: Are We Being Visited by the Asuras of Patala?

Srimad Bhagavatam, an ancient Indian scripture, references the Vedic texts, which date back approximately 5,000 years. Prior to their documentation, these texts were passed down orally for an unknown period of time, possibly spanning hundreds or even thousands of years. Hindu texts describe a special flying chariot called as the “Vimana”.

Ancient Vimana and the UFO Phenomenon: Are We Being Visited by the Asuras of Patala?

The Srimad Bhagavatam is credited to the sage Vyasa, who is also renowned for penning the famous epic Mahabharata. Within this text, there is an account of King Salva, who was devoted to the god Shiva and admired him for his virtues and prayers. In recognition of Salva’s devotion, Shiva bestowed upon the king an air vehicle known as a vimana. This magnificent flying machine, named Saubha, was so grand in scale that it was often referred to as the “flying iron city”.

“The great Lord Umapati [Shiva] at the end of the year satisfied Salva, who sought refuge with him, by offering him a choice of blessings. Salva chose a vehicle that neither demigods, nor demons, nor humans, nor Gandharvas, nor Rakshasas could destroy Which could travel anywhere he wished, and which would terrify Vrishni [ancient Vedic race]. 

Lord Shiva said, “So be it.” By his order, Maya Danava, who conquered the cities of his enemies, built a flying iron city named Saubha and presented it to Salva.”

In Hindu mythology, Maya Danava was one of the sons of the primeval water goddess, Danu. Alongside the Daitya giants, who were the offspring of the goddess Diti, the Danavas are categorized as “asuras” or “titans”. The term “asura” translates to “powerful” or “mighty” and can be linked to the Norse term “Æsir”, which denotes “lord” or even “god”.

As powerful beings with magical abilities, asuras are both generous and pious, yet also prone to displays of pride, anger, jealousy, lust, greed, and other selfish tendencies. These traits often lead to clashes with the gods.

Maya was a prominent leader among the asuras and was renowned for his skills in architecture and astronomy. While there is no direct mention of any connection between the Maya and the Mesoamerican civilization that bears his name, it is intriguing to consider the possibility given the Maya people’s reputation for their own architectural and astronomical prowess.

When Salva obtained the vimana, he immediately launched an attack on the lost city of Dwaraka, the golden, fortified city constructed by Krishna on India’s western coast. Salva considered Krishna to be his adversary, having previously slain many of Salva’s powerful allies.

Ancient Vimana and the UFO Phenomenon: Are We Being Visited by the Asuras of Patala?

“His impregnable vehicle was filled with darkness and could go anywhere. Having received it, Salva went to Dvaraka. Salva besieged the city with a large army, the best of Bharat, destroying the surrounding parks and gardens, mansions along with their observatories, high gates and surrounding walls and public recreation areas. 

From his superior airship, he unleashed a torrent of weapons on the ground, including rocks, tree trunks, lightning, snakes, and hail. A fierce whirlwind rose up and covered all sides with dust. Thus, the city of Krishna, terribly tormented by the airship Saubha, did not know peace, just like the earth when it was attacked by three airborne cities of demons.

One moment, the magical airship built by Maya Danava appeared in many identical forms, and the next moment it was only one again. Sometimes it was visible and sometimes not. Thus, Salva’s opponents could never be sure where he was.

Saubha alternately appeared on the ground, in the sky, on a mountain peak or in the water. Like a spinning, flaming club, it never stayed long in one place. Wherever Salva appeared with his ship Saubha and his army, there the commanders of Yadu (defenders of Dvaraka) fired their arrows…

While Yadu and the followers of Salva thus continued to attack each other, a stormy, fearsome battle continued for twenty-seven days and nights.

Similarities Between The Ancient Vimana And UFOs

This passage draws attention to several intriguing parallels between the vimana obtained by Salva and the characteristics commonly associated with UFO sightings.

To begin with, the vimana was depicted as a “flying city of iron” with the ability to travel anywhere, closely resembling the descriptions of metallic UFOs that possess a shiny surface. UFOs are often believed to be constructed of some type of metal, potentially rich in iron.

The second parallel between Salva’s vimana and UFOs is that it could sometimes appear as a single entity and other times in multiple identical forms, much like how bright UFOs can cluster together to appear as a single object before breaking off into separate directions.

The third parallel is that Salva’s vimana could be visible or invisible, which is a common characteristic of UFO sightings. Additionally, UFOs are known for their ability to accelerate rapidly and disappear almost instantly.

Finally, the text notes that Salva’s vimana was constantly in motion, never remaining stationary in one place, which aligns with the maneuverability of UFOs that can change direction abruptly and move quickly, making them difficult to track.

These similarities suggest that the vimana described in the Srimad Bhagavatam text is what we know today as a UFO. Although ancient people were aware of the builders and the origins of such craft, they lacked an understanding of their construction, as they were not built by humans but by Maya and the asuras.

Returning to the original text, Let’s find out how the air attack on Dvaraka ended up.

The reason behind the prolonged twenty-seven-day attack by Salva on Dvaraka was that at that very moment, Krishna had gone to Indraprastha, located near present-day Delhi, to attend a royal sacrifice. Once he returned to Dvaraka, the battle came to a swift end.

“After Krishna arrived in Dvaraka and saw how his people were threatened with annihilation, and also saw Salva and his airship Saubha, Krishna organized the defense of the city, and then addressed Daruka [Krishna’s charioteer] with the following words:” O charioteer , quickly take my chariot to Salva. This lord of Saubha is a powerful magician, don’t let him confuse you.”

Having received this order, Daruka took command of the Lord’s chariot and rode toward Salva. Then Krishna pierced Salva with sixteen arrows and hit his airship Saubha as it swept across the sky… 

Saubha’s airship, shattered into thousands of pieces by Krishna’s club, crashed into the water. Salva left it, stood on the ground, took his club and rushed towards Krishna using his disc weapon. Then Krishna removed the earrings and crown from the head of this great magician, just as Purandara [Indra] used his thunderbolt to cut off Vritra’s head.”

The story of King Salva and his vimana provides fascinating insights into the ancient concept of UFOs. In this tale, the magical vimana Saubha, created by Maya Asura and presented by Shiva to Salva, was ultimately destroyed by Krishna using his cudgel. This suggests that even advanced technologies can be vulnerable to the right weapon or attack.

Interestingly, modern ufology has documented a minimum of a dozen UFO crashes in the twentieth century, including the infamous 1947 Roswell incident. This indicates that the phenomenon of UFOs is not just a relic of the past, but continues to intrigue and mystify people today.

The Asuras And The Patala

Ancient Vimana and the UFO Phenomenon: Are We Being Visited by the Asuras of Patala?

One key revelation from the Salva and vimana story is that these ancient flying machines were not constructed by any known human civilization, but rather by a race of powerful, semi-divine beings known as “asuras” or “titans” who possessed magical powers. This challenges our assumptions about the capabilities of ancient societies and suggests that there may have been otherworldly influences at play.

Curious about where the asuras are said to have lived in the Vedic texts? According to the ancient Indian texts, the asuras resided on our own planet, but underground in the underworld called Patala. Interestingly, the word “Patala” in Sanskrit means “what is under the feet,” which is a fitting description for the subterranean realms.

The Bhagavata Purana describes Patala as consisting of seven kingdoms inhabited by asuras and other supernatural beings such as nagas (human-snake hybrids), rakshasas (giants), yakshas (dwarfs), and more. These seven subterranean heavens (bila-svarga) are said to be filled with stunning architecture, lush gardens, sparkling lakes, breathtaking gems, and unimaginable wealth.

Patala, the underworld paradise, is the ultimate destination for those seeking a life of pure pleasure and sensory delights. In this realm, there is no trace of aging, decay, or disease, and its inhabitants enjoy a life of eternal youth and beauty. Although there is no natural light source, the shimmering jewels that adorn the residents of Patala illuminate the entire region with a radiance that rivals the sun. The absence of daylight also means that there is no concept of time, allowing its inhabitants to live a life free of anxiety and fear.

It may seem like the perfect place to live, but accessing Patala is no easy feat. The entrances to this heavenly realm are hidden and guarded by powerful forces. In Tibetan Buddhism, one can only reach Patala through special Asura caves in the sacred landscape, which are fiercely protected by dakinis – the Buddhist equivalents of fairies. The journey to Patala is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who are brave enough to make the trek, the rewards are unparalleled.

“Once in Patala, the yogi could gain such benefits as longevity, magical knowledge, fabulous material treasures and, last but not least, extraordinary pleasures, especially erotic ones,” wrote researcher Robert Mayer from Oxford University.

The concept of a hidden, underground dimension filled with riches and pleasures, guarded by mystical beings, has fascinated people for centuries. It’s no wonder that over time, this idea has become the stuff of legends and fantasy.

However, with the rise of the global UFO phenomenon, it’s worth taking a closer look at ancient texts that suggest that these mysterious flying objects were created by supernatural beings from Patala, the underground world of the Asuras.

Interestingly, many UFO sightings involve crafts entering bodies of water, and witnesses often describe encounters with dwarf-like alien creatures. It’s worth noting that the mythology of almost every culture on Earth features magical dwarfs, adding another intriguing layer to the Patala legend.

As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, it’s important to revisit and re-examine ancient texts and legends like Patala to gain a better understanding of our world and its connections to the supernatural.

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