Since 2004, Seattle-based lawyer Andrew Basiago has repeatedly made loud claims that as a child from 7 to 12 years old, he was a test subject in the secret government program “Project Pegasus”, which worked on teleportation and time travel.
“They taught children with adults to test if there were differences in the impact of time travel on people of different ages. And it turned out that children had an advantage over adults in terms of adapting to the tension of movement between the past, present, and future”.
Andrew Basiago
Numerous scientists state that time travel is impossible because nothing moves faster than the speed of light.
Nevertheless, Andrew Basiago found many supporters, including the popular American conspiracy theorist Alfred Webre, who specializes in exopolitics – the secret presence of aliens on Earth and their interference in the politics of different countries.
According to Webre, teleportation and time travel technologies have been available to the US government for more than 40 years, but so far it is wary of openly using them and is accumulating experiences.
“Long-distance teleportation is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly means of transportation. The Department of Defense has had it for 40 years and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once used his share of moving soldiers onto the battlefield”.
Alfred Webre
Andrew Basiago said that during his participation in the “Project Pegasus” program, he traveled in time eight times and the time machine was mainly built on the basis of a teleport, plans for which were found in the New York apartment of mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla after his death in January 1943.
“The machine consisted of two gray elliptical arrows about 8 feet high, separated by about 10 feet, between which was a shimmering curtain of what Tesla called“ Radiant Energy. ”This is a form of energy that Tesla discovered and which is latent and penetrating into the universe, and among its properties is the ability to bend space-time. “
Andrew Basiago
Andrew Basiago stated that through this field, the project participants “jumped” into the “vortal tunnel”, and when it closed, they were at their destination.
“It felt like the tunnel was either moving at a tremendous speed or not moving at all since the universe was around us.”
Andrew Basiago
According to Andrew Basiago, he did not just fall into the past, but once got into a historical photo which captures President Abraham Lincoln’s visit to Gettysburg in 1863.
Andrew Basiago made this trip in 1972 and the picture was captured from a camera that was installed in East Hanover, New Jersey.
“I was dressed in vintage clothes and looked like an ordinary boy. I was wearing huge men’s shoes and it was only about 100 steps from the place of my arrival to the place in the picture. I was filmed very close to Lincoln.”
Then, Andrew Basiago went to the Ford Theater on the night of Lincoln’s murder 5 to 6 times, but he never got to the moment of the murder.
Once he managed to hear a shot and witnessed a huge commotion in the crowd.
He was very scared at that moment.
“Each of my visits to the past was a little different as if I was being sent to different alternate realities located on adjacent timelines. As these visits accumulated, I bumped into myself twice on two different visits
One day, young Andrew Basiago witnessed a time travel failure that happened to another boy.
The child’s legs were a few seconds late from the time the main body moved.
“He lay and writhed in pain, and he had stumps for legs.”
However, then the settings of the car were adjusted and this did not happen again.
In total, about a hundred people participated in Project Pegasus.
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