
Brad Pitt on Illuminati : The Horror of the Illuminati Elite, Mind Control, and Pedophilia

We are witnessing the discovery of all the truth about pedophilia and sexual abuse in Hollywood in recent months. Brad Pitt has joined many celebrities who have denounced the Illuminati elite and the control systems they exert over humanity. Scandals of mental control, pedophilia and other issues were those that he engaged with a journalist in an independent media.(Brad Pitt on Illuminati)

Brad Pitt on Illuminati

There are already many famous artists and people who have publicly denounced the atrocities practiced in Hollywood, in the music and film industry. Many of them are no longer with us and the rest are suffering the consequences of having told the world what is happening. The last ones to denounce these consequences, like Jim Carrey, Britney Spears or Kevin Spacey, have been or are victims of the brutal smear campaign suffered by those who dare to publicly tell the tricks of the Illuminati elite.(Brad Pitt on Illuminati)

See- Jim Carrey hollywood elites eat whole babies christmas know truth

Many of those who denounced these events lost their lives in somewhat mysterious ways. We all remember the deaths of Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston. Or the most recent ones like David Bowie or Prince. The shadow of possible concealed murder has always hovered over these deaths. For all of them denounced the elite and the system established by those who dominate the world since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Brad Pitt has been the last to reveal secrets of the Illuminati in an interview for a media that is transmitted in Live Stream through the Internet. Brad Pitt stated.

“Do you think Hollywood is about making movies? That is just a product. It’s about money and the most important thing for them is power and control. The people who run Hollywood also run the United States and most of the world. And I can assure you that what matters least are the movies. Have you heard about the Illuminati? The secret societies of politicians and bankers are the ones that direct the media. And they are the ones who run these rings of pedophilia, those who run the world and those who control everything. And everything returns to Hollywood. “(Brad Pitt on Illuminati)

Brad Pitt on Illuminati

Mr. Pitt continued to document the motivation behind the trafficking of children and the connection of this with entertainment. But unfortunately, as soon as the actor’s statements became viral and, given that the interview was posted on an internet communication medium, they were suppressed. As it happens in many other cases. Although he is not the only one who recently made incendiary statements against the Hollywood industry, because Pitt’s statements are very similar to those made by his colleague, actor Corey Fieldman.(Brad Pitt on Illuminati)

“I was literally famous before I was, but something caused serious problems in my life. I do not know what it means to have a childhood. And I can assure you that the main problem in Hollywood was, is and will always be pedophilia. That is the most serious problem for children in the film industry. Pedophilia is the great secret. When I was 14 years old I was literally surrounded by them, without even knowing it. It was when I was old enough to understand when I knew who they were and what they were doing, “the actor said on television.(Brad Pitt on Illuminati)

Shocking statements that only make the biggest gap and the closest truth.

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