
What Would Happen to Christianity if Aliens Are Discovered?

Christianity teaches that humanity is created in the image of God, and the sacrifice of God’s only son is central to the salvation of mankind. However, the prospect of encountering extraterrestrial life raises intriguing questions. How would this affect Christian beliefs? Would they need salvation as well?

Experts speculate that the discovery of extraterrestrial life could pose a significant challenge to Christian doctrine. Just as Nicolaus Copernicus’s discovery shattered the belief that Earth was the center of the universe, the finding of even microbial life on another planet would provoke a similar revolution in Christianity. Vesa Nissinen, a religion expert at the University of Helsinki, suggests this possibility in an article published in Helsingin Sanomat.

Impact on Doctrine

Jussi Sohlberg, a researcher at the Finnish Center for the Study of the Church, holds a different perspective. He believes that the existence of life on other planets would not necessarily threaten the core tenets of Evangelical Lutheran doctrine. However, the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would carry more significant implications. Nissinen further adds that one of the key questions arising from this scenario is whether these distant civilizations, like humans, are also created in the image and likeness of God.

Salvation and Divine Mercy

The concept of salvation becomes particularly complex when considering the existence of intelligent life on other planets. Would divine mercy apply to extraterrestrials, and if so, how? Nissinen suggests two approaches to address this issue. The first asserts that humanity is chosen by God, tasked with spreading the divine word to other intelligent beings. This viewpoint aligns with the stance of the Vatican.

The alternative perspective proposes that each civilization in the universe receives salvation independently. While this theory seems logical, it leads to intriguing theological conclusions. Nissinen explains that the idea of Jesus traveling from one planet to another for sacrifice challenges the evangelical notion of the uniqueness of this event. Furthermore, he suggests that if a civilization more advanced than humanity were to visit Earth, the situation would become even more complex.

Theological Challenges and Adaptability

Extraterrestrial beings might bring their own beliefs or even present themselves as gods to humans. Some anticipate that such an encounter could lead to an overwhelming religious crisis, potentially causing the Church to vanish or undergo substantial transformation. However, Nissinen reminds us that Christianity has demonstrated great adaptability throughout history. He believes that spiritual matters will remain relevant even after an encounter with extraterrestrial civilizations. It seems unlikely that these advanced beings would provide satisfactory answers to questions about the purpose of life or the eradication of injustice, Nissinen concludes.

Conclusion: The potential discovery of extraterrestrial life raises profound questions about Christian doctrine. While microbial life on another planet could revolutionize Christianity, the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life carries even greater implications. The issue of salvation becomes complex, and differing viewpoints emerge regarding the applicability of divine mercy. The encounter with advanced civilizations could challenge existing religious beliefs, but Christianity has shown resilience throughout history. Regardless of technological advancements, spiritual inquiries about life’s meaning and justice are likely to persist.

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  1. My LDS faith explains that God created worlds without number, and the inhabitants are sons and daughters of God, redeemed by Christ’s atonement (which is not repeated on each world).

  2. Well I believe you have to read between the lines, so to speak.

    They that dwell in mine house… and my maids,
    count me for a stranger… I am an alien in their sights.

    (Jesus said to his Disciples)
    “Marvel not that I said unto thee… ‘Ye’ must be born… again.”
    ​                                                                           ( reincarnated)

    1. Job 19:15 has nothing to do with anything other than what Job said regarding his personal life. The Creator never said that, if you looked at the first sentence of that chapter you would have seen it written.

      John 3:7 has nothing to do with the act of death as we know it but in a spiritual sense hence the act of baptism.

  3. Well bible says there are also tree of wisdom in other planets.. If Im right that was Elijah.. the one who doesn’t experience decay.

    1. The Bible or Elijah never said anything like that, the Tree of Knowledge (wisdom if you will) was in the Garden of Eden.
      The Bible doesn’t say anything about the possibility of life on other planets. Its main concern is with human life on this planet, including our problems and our future.

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