ISIS Project: The Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt

A documentary was broadcast exclusively in 1998 by the American television network Sci-Fi, called “The Secret KGB Adduction Files” made based on a video that shows an extraterrestrial mummy found in Egypt by the KGB.(Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt)

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt

Concealment work of a real fact or simply a false incident? The only authoritative opinion was provided by the same American television at the time of transmission, according to which the team of experts who evaluated the film confirmed its authenticity.(Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt)

The film has been broadcast only once, and no other copy of the video is available, except for those available because of the time taken to record the broadcast. The film would show a secret KGB expedition to Egypt as part of the “Isis Project”, in which Soviet intelligence discovered the existence of what appears to be an extraterrestrial mummy. Prior to the broadcast, the film was never shown outside the structures of the KGB.

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in EgyptIs it an elaborate and expensive deception, or the “ancient astronaut of the grave” could be the discovery that will revolutionize the understanding of the principles of human civilization? It all began with the revelations of Viktor Ivanovich, a neurologist and a Russian Astrophysicist hired by the Kremlin as a scientific advisor for the development of advanced propulsion systems.(Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt)

As Sci-Fi says, Ivanovich had access to some KGB secret archives, which chronicle an expedition in 1961 as part of the “Isis Project”, aimed at discovering remains of Egyptian knowledge and technology that could be used for military applications.


What aroused the interest of science fiction in the subject was a film that seems to have obtained the American chain of the Russian mafia through an intermediary. The film obtained from the KGB files and high security images shows the discovery of the sarcophagus inside the tomb of the stellar visitor. Science fiction experts guarantee the authenticity of the film.

The black and white video shows a number of soldiers and officers entering what appears to be an Egyptian burial chamber without gas masks. In the opening of the sarcophagus, you can see a cloud of toxic gas that invades the atmosphere and the reaction of the soldiers affected by the breath and fear, to see the mummy that was contained in the sarcophagus.(Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt)

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found by the KGB in Egypt“There is no doubt that a small group of Russian scientists with military experts have discovered a tomb in Egypt in 1961,” says Ivanovich. “But in the documents has never been revealed exactly what was found inside the sarcophagus. Only through the sources of the highest ranks of the KGB do we know that we have found the remains of an alien creature that died in Egypt 10,000 years before Christ. ”

If the information given by Dr. Ivanocih is true, we must reconsider the entire cultural evolution of human civilization. Constantly, there is news that reveals the Earth’s past much more sophisticated and enigmatic than previously thought. “The fundamental question about ancient Egypt is to understand how a civilization so advanced, at the height of its development around 2500 BC, has lasted through time and has appeared on the world stage,” says McNaughton of the Roselyn Institute of Egyptology. ”

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All the other ancient civilizations have undergone a progressive historical development in the design of their technology in hundreds or even thousands of years. This has not happened in ancient Egypt. A society suddenly formed suddenly came out of the desert. “

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