
Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson said the US government has evidence of extraterrestrial ships

The controversial Fox News presenter, Tucker Carlson, is known for his eccentric conspiracy theories. On his own show in June this year, Carlson made a rant against the metric system, calling it “tyranny. ” But in last week’s episode of History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” program, Carlson went further. Tucker Carlson said the US government has evidence of extraterrestrial ships

Tucker Carlson said the US government has evidence of extraterrestrial ships

In an interview with British journalist Nick Pope, Carlson said a “very reliable” source told him that the United States government has physical evidence that extraterrestrial ships have arrived on Earth, or at least crashed.

“I heard this from someone who I think has knowledge on the subject that there is physical evidence that the US government. it has … you know, it would tell us much more about what these objects are, ” said Carlson.

Tucker Carlson said the US government has evidence of extraterrestrial ships

Pope then asked Carlson if he meant the “remains” of UFOs.

“That’s right,” Carlson confirmed to the Ancient Aliens program. Carlson’s interest in UFOs and aliens is nothing new. Trump told the presenter at the time that he did not consider himself a believer in UFOs, and revealed that he personally tends to doubt that aliens have visited Earth on spacecraft. But Trump left the door open and added: “You know, I guess everything is possible.”

Carlson also asked Trump if he believed in the claim that the government had UFO remains in an Air Force facility. But Trump denied it. However, the president of the United States left that he had “an open mind” on the subject.

At the time of the Carlson interview, the US Department of Defense He informed Trump about a series of meetings of Navy pilots with objects they could not identify. The mysterious objects seemed to move at “hypersonic speeds . ” In addition, in 2007, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) wrote a report documenting their own research on the UFO phenomenon.

The 84-page report, which is available on the CIA website, notes that at least two US presidents. UU., Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carterclaimed to have witnessed UFO sightings. The investigation recognized that there were “documents” that claimed to prove the recovery of UFO remains in the accident in Roswell, New Mexico. But the CIA said that “most, if not all, of these documents, have proved false.”

Tucker Carlson said the US government has evidence of extraterrestrial ships

Without a doubt, Carlson’s statements show that more and more people are convinced that the United States government is hiding extraterrestrial evidence. And not only believe anonymous people with hyperactive intelligence, also famous. Now we can only wait for the moment in which they recognize the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet.

Do you think the US government hides evidence of aliens on our planet? Feel free to comment below.

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