International Space Station Records Thousands Of Alien Spacecrafts Leaving Earth

On May 18, 2020, a camera from the International Space Station (ISS) recorded something really unusual, thousands of strange objects that simultaneously shoot out from the surface of our planet and fly into outer space. 

This can be seen in the original video published on the project channel “High Definition Earth Visualization (HDEV)” on the Ustream platform or below we have posted the part of the video showing the alien spacecraft, the objects seem to take off at high speed and the remains are not the remains of liquid fuel rockets.

Skeptics believe that these are ice particles that detach from the ISS and that are reflected in the camera thanks to sunlight.

Also Read – A UFO chases a jet and overtakes it in broad daylight (video was sent to MUFON)

But for experts in the field there is no doubt about it, it is the massive evacuation of thousands of UFOs leaving our planet.

Skeptics believe that these are ice particles that detach from the ISS and that are reflected in the camera thanks to sunlight. But for experts in the field there is no doubt about it, it is the massive evacuation of thousands of UFOs leaving our planet.

For them the images show that aliens have been very present on our planet since ancient times. This civilization or civilizations of other worlds have their own underground and submarine bases on Earth, but the question some ask is, what has led them to evade Earth massively?

They consider that this strategy can only be carried out if our planet is doomed and it is very dangerous to be on it. But the threat would not be the coronavirus pandemic, as some have suggested, rather it would be from our closest star. NASA scientists have confirmed that the solar minimum they predicted three years ago has been met.

Thousands Of Alien Spacecrafts

And scientists have warned that the Dalton minimum, one of the most extreme weather periods in history, will repeat itself. It lasted more than three solar cycles, from 1790-1830, and resulted in heavy snowfall, deep frost, and general cooling worldwide, in addition to drastic weather changes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and famine. It was hell on Earth.

And if the worst predictions are unfortunately fulfilled, perhaps we would find ourselves facing a mass extinction, just as happened with dinosaurs. The truth is that we do not know if this will be the case, but all the events that are happening in the last months seem to indicate that something will happen on our planet. And this video may be evidence that there isn’t much time left.

What do you think about the video of the ISS? Is it a massive UFO evacuation? Or do you have another explanation?

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1 comment
  1. A reason why many are leaving the planet is the following: The earth itself has decided to ascent into 5th dimension. That means that the frequency of this planet ist rising fast. Many humans contribute to this process by sending positivity, love, joy in the the field. Consequence is that the frequency gets to high for the dark forces, it is very hard for them to be here in that highter frequency, they will not be able to reincarnate again. So it is not that the planet is domed, but that the battle is being won by the good forces and the dark forces have to flee.

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