A group of Japanese scientists claim to have found huge underground tunnels on the moon. In the future they could house an Earth colony, according to researchers at the 48th Lunar and Planetary Science conference.
According to their study , published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the Japanese specialists managed to discover the giant formations thanks to the space probe Kaguya.
High-precision devices have found gaps of many kilometers beneath the surface of Earth’s natural satellite that in the long run can become an appropriate place for early human colonies.
A deep hole, tens of meters in diameter and located in the so-called Marius Hills, was discovered in 2009. In 2016, a NASA mission found gravitational anomalies that possibly indicated gaps.
The Japanese experts led by Junichi Haruyama concluded that these were not holes but tunnels that penetrate the lunar rock to a depth of many kilometers. There it would be possible to build houses and human scientific centers, it is added. These are supposed to be good choices for human colonies because they can protect settlers from radiation and temperature variations.
For now it is still pending the sending of a reconnaissance mission that must confirm or deny the existence of the lunar tunnels. The existence of tunnels on the moon is not new, said the head of the study department of the Moon and planets of the Sternberg Institute of Sternberg Moscow State University, Vladislav Shevchenko.
Images of the Marius Hills moat, as observed under different conditions of solar illumination by the SELENE / Kaguya Terrain Camera and Multiband Imager [JAXA / SELENE].
The expansion of the Marius Hills moat shows a small crater at the northwest end and small stones on the south side of the hole. The hole is about 65 meters in diameter.
“These formations were discovered several years ago. At that time [the experts] suddenly interpreted its origin: they are volcanic tubes because they are in the [lunar] seas. It is a well-known fact that these seas of the Moon are lava flows.
[These formations] are volcanic tubes that carried lava to the surface. The matter is compressed as it cools so that gaps are created, “said the Russian website BFM.ru . Russian users in fact “did not take the news off guard” because, they claim, “they had read about this discovery in Soviet-era newspapers,” the Russian media article says. The study has been published in Geophysical Research Letters.Shop amazing Alien Merchandise at our store, Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter For More Interesting Content Also Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium.