The Encounter Of Mrs. Joy McKenna With A Spirit In Cotswolds

The Encounter Of Mrs. Joy McKenna With A Spirit In Cotswolds

This spooky tale of the Spirit In The Cotswolds will make you feel like you are out in the backwoods almost. Since ancient times, ghost stories and tales of spirits who return to the dead to haunt the places they left behind. It’s hardly a surprise because English castles have a reputation for ghostly sightings, given their lengthy and often cruel past. An English woman, Mrs. Joy McKenna, recounted how she was supposedly assaulted by a malicious ghost in her house in 1976. This incident stayed with her and haunted her throughout her life. 

Most people believe that ghosts or spirits are malicious, but the reality is different. It is rare for a ghost to be hostile. They seem to have a neutral and random routine, as if they had a set psychic routine to do whether there was an audience or not. In other instances, it appears to have a conscious and rational reason for making itself known in a particular location at a particular moment to a certain individual. The fact that it appears that hauntings cause damage on purpose only very infrequently adds to the mystique surrounding the frightening experience that Mrs. Joy McKenna had in 1971.

Mrs. Joy McKenna Encounter With A Spirit In Cotswolds
Mrs. Joy McKenna Encounter With A Spirit In Cotswolds

When Mrs. McKenna had her first horror experience, she was residing in her large stone house in the Cotswolds. The house was built in 1936, but the land on which it was built had a volatile past and had been the scene of much bloodshed in its early days. Her husband had to go on frequent business trips. So he slept in the guest room as he used to get up early and didn’t want his wife to get disturbed. But McKenna, out of love, deliberately set her alarms accordingly in order to prepare breakfast for her husband.

Mrs. Joy McKenna Scary Encounter

On one of the nights in November 1971, she went to her bed at around 11:00 pm and within a few minutes she fell asleep. She had already set an alarm for 6:30 a.m. Next morning, she woke up later than usual. She thought it was already morning because she always heard the alarm bell before it went off. In her half-awake state, her first thoughts were reluctance to leave the comforting warmth and a slight irritation that the night had been so brief.

Spirit In Cotswolds
Spirit In Cotswolds

Until she could prepare for something else or prepare for her day, she was overcome with a terrible sensation of dread. She was able to sense the intruder or the presence of something malevolent. To assure herself, she thought it would be her husband, but the sound of her husband snoring in the next room dashed any hope that it was him. She was overwhelmed with a sensation of panic and the next step she thought for safety was to hide under the blanket. Suddenly, the spirit leaped on her as she hid under the blankets.

It was huge and enormous. It started to batter her shoulders, arms, and chest like a crazed beast. Mrs. Joy Mckenna attempted to flee, realizing that the spirit was trying to crush her. But she was more horrified as she found that every muscle in her body had frozen. It felt like she had been paralyzed. Even though she could move her lips, she could not make a sound. Even in this situation, her mind was crystal clear and her thought process was as clear as ever. Her thoughts revolved around the absurdity of the circumstance, how absurd it was that this was her death, even as her body went into a tight catalepsy.

She had never imagined herself dying in such agonizing agony. Even though it was complete darkness, she was still able to see two demonic eyes. They were amber-burning and looking back at her, like those depicted in the most ferocious of eastern art demons. Along with a demonic stare She could hear a frightening cacophony of noise, a screaming discord that she knew she could hear with her ears but was all around her. The next moment, with all her concentration, she prayed to God.

An illustration of burning demonic eyes that Mrs. Joy McKenna encountered
An illustration of burning demonic eyes that Mrs. Joy McKenna encountered

To her surprise, it worked, and she quickly became aware of the enormous weight sliding down the edge of the bed to the floor in a bizarre and obscene manner. Before doing anything else, she screamed and threw herself out of bed, landing on her knees to pray. Her husband hurried in seconds later, startled by her screams, and saw her distraught, her face a frigid, ashy gray. Her husband initially thought it was a nightmare, but as they spent the night around a fire sipping coffee and brandy, he realized it wasn’t.

Her husband eventually came to believe that what she had experienced was not just a nightmare but demonic activity. They were puzzled and thought of any clue which could lead to the reason for the paranormal attack. Soon, it took Mrs. McKenna’s recollection of a weird occurrence in the same room a few days earlier to give them the breakthrough they were looking for. She remembered something related to her pet cats.

The McKennas had a special place in their hearts for their four cats, who shared the family’s home with them. The cats had full freedom to sleep on the beds and even under the blankets. McKenna had discovered a bulge in her bedspread in her bedroom two days prior to the incident, which she mistook for her cat hiding there. However, after a movement, the form slithered over the side of the bed and disappeared. She was slightly taken aback for two reasons. First that the cat vanished without greeting her and second that it made some erratic movements.

It was unusual for a cat to glide away from the scene without altering its shape, as cats often stand up, arch their backs, and stretch. When she went down the stairs, she was even more perplexed to see all four of the creatures in the dining room. After that horrific event, McKenna and her family never experienced anything strange in their house. It could have been an impersonal, illogical, uncontrollable, and completely evil force.

It is possible that the entity that invaded the building was not what many people would call a ghost at all, but rather some utterly malevolent manifestation that has nothing to do with the human spirit. However, this incident left an impact on the memory of Mrs. Joy McKenna and since then she has grown even more wary of the people and places around her than she was before.

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Source: Donkey Junk

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