
Ouijazilla: Salem Will Invoke The Most Powerful Demon On The World’s Largest Ouija Board

Since the Ouija became popular, it has been said to be negative, demonic, and dangerous, as well as those who say it is a harmless toy. The truth is that the Ouija board and other similar tools have brought positive and negative results. 

However, as we have mentioned in various publications, these talking boards are NOT toys. They are tools for spiritual communication. It is when inexperienced people use them that they become really dangerous.(Ouijazilla)

We do not recommend to anyone the use of the Ouija or any similar table, except for experienced mediums because it can become a gateway for all types of spirits. If you still decide to communicate with the spirit world using an Ouija, you can minimize the risk by following some simple guidelines. Most importantly, NEVER ask a spirit to be shown or proof of its existence. But apart from this detail, you may want to try a spiritualism session in the largest Ouija in the world.


Light as a feather, rigid as aboard. And measuring 965 square meters, the Ouija board, nicknamed “Ouijazilla”, the world’s largest has been presented in Salem, Massachusetts, USA. , last Saturday before a crowd of people eager to be able to communicate with the hereafter.

With the length of a “brontosaurus,” “heavy as an elephant” and “big enough to park a huge truck,” Ouijazilla caught the attention of tourists, fans, and a wedding at the historic Salem Common Park in an official ceremony. With a weight of more than 4,000 kilos, Ouijazilla was built with 99 sheets of plywood and 75 liters of wood dye and is accompanied by a planchette of approximately 180 kilos and a huge pencil.

The hand-painted design of the board reflects the iconic Ouija board that shines in the dark of Parker Brother, with an Ouijazilla touch added along its edges. Despite its size, Ouijazilla is fully functional. The planchette can be maneuvered across the surface of the board by a single user or a large group, which makes the gigantic invocation a reality. According to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not web portal, Ouijazilla exceeds the previous record of the world’s largest Ouija, which held the Grand Midway Hotel in Windber, Pennsylvania. That table, painted on the roof of the hotel and officially measured by the Guinness Book of records in 2016, is just over 396 square meters, less than half the size of Ouijazilla.

The great Ouija is a creation of Rick “Ormortis” Schreck, vice president of the Talking Board Historical Society and a New Jersey tattoo artist. Schreck began as a collector of Ouijas but then added to the ancient tradition of making boards. Schreck has been building Ouijazilla since June 2018, with the help of his family and friends, and a group of volunteers, who transported it from Jersey to the “city of witches. ” It was then that everyone worked tirelessly in the rain and cold to ride the Ouijazilla and be officially presented.

The truth is that it is not yet known if Ouijazilla will serve to invoke spirits, but its size is disturbing and impressive. And in such a case, if someone achieves spiritual communication with Ouijazilla, he could encounter really dangerous demonic entities. Among the demons that could easily be accessed through Ouijazilla, is Zozo, considered one of the worst demonic entities in the astral plane. Although we must not forget Belphegor or Pazuzu, the protagonist demon of the film directed by William Friedkin “The Exorcist. 


However, some believe that these communication devices with the spiritual world simply work by the user’s own subconscious. And even if it were true, the danger remains very present, since many poltergeists are actually caused by the subconscious of people who are at or near the location of paranormal activity. You may believe that a spirit has entered your home and your subconscious can create disturbances by the use of psychokinesis or telekinesis.

Leaving aside the controversy over the Ouija board, nobody can deny that Ouijazilla is simply a spectacular work that shows that art and the hidden can also be combined.

What do you think about Ouijazilla? Would you dare to do a session of spiritualism in this monstrous table?

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