
A road at dawn, strange Men with suits and a terrifying Video (debunked)

A video is circulating on the Net in Viral mode and for many it is frightening, since in it you can see how a vehicle travels down the road at dawn .. and suddenly cross in front of him several people dressed in suit, briefcase and Black stick Do you wanna know the truth?(strange Men with suits)

When these people are in front of the vehicle they start running. Among the shrubs appear about 8 people who move strangely and look up at the horizon, where they can be seen flaring in the middle of the place.(strange Men with suits)

The last thing you can see before the video is cut is a person with a red mask, like a demon. The original video lacks sound and many on the Internet began speculating on what it might be about.

Here the explanation:

This video had been published in the official Instagram account of the British band Radiohead. The video that is circulating on the Internet lacks music as the original video contains part of the band’s song called “Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief” from his new album “A Moon Shape Pool” published this year past. The video was directed by Richard Ayoade and is possibly part of his song or simply a promotion of his new album.

In conclusion, the video of the men in black that appear in the middle of a road is “false” and is only the promotion of the new album of the band RadioHead .

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