The story of Philip James Corso, the man who claimed to have seen lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell

Philip J. Corso (1915-1998), was a citizen who served the United States Army between 1942 and 1963, exercising the military career and reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.(lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell)

lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell

Corso received additional instruction at the Fort Riley Military Intelligence School, and held important positions in both the United States and abroad, earning 19 decorations and working directly with President Eisenhower.

Throughout the world, but especially in the United States, a person who has served his country without any blemish on the record and being an example to all his fellow citizens, his opinions have far more credibility than anyone else. And it was precisely this combination of data that caused such a stir in the 1990s when Philip decided to publicly tell what he experienced in the first person in the most controversial case in the history of ufology: Roswell.

In 1947, Philip worked in the Roswell case at the base of Kansas, where the military treasured the remains of what was said to be a flying saucer. In fact, there were up to 5 trucks coming from Roswell with miscellaneous equipment, which Philip was assigned to his technological research (and subsequent reverse engineering).

lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell
lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell

In fact, it was concluded that the ship itself was rather a space-time device in which its occupants traveled from remote points of the universe, since it lacked known engines or propulsion systems.

From his studies great results were obtained that allowed to push the existent technology with inventions like the optical fiber, the integrated circuits, equipment of night vision, super resistant fibers like the Kevlar, etc. And many were deposited with various civil companies such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and Dow Corning.

Apart from all this technology, Philip had in his hands the remains of the occupants of the ship. Small humanoids, with features similar to what we call “gray”, which lay in coffin-like boxes, completely inert.

lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell
lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell

All this information Philip made known through the book he published in 1997, The day after Roswell. Corso’s testimony rocked the world that year and his book recorded one of the highest sales figures, according to the New York Times. Philip J. Corso made a military career with assignments in military intelligence and as a special assignee in the Pentagon under the orders of General Arthur Trudeau. Anything denounced by Philip was much more relevant only because of this simple fact, more so when it was not the first time anyone spoke of what happened in Roswell.

Philip was one of the first to be part of the Disclosure Project and to collaborate in what he said was the truth that had been kept hidden by the US government. What did Philip gain by telling all this to his 82 years? Who thinks that only sought fame or get rich with a book of such repercussion?

lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell
lifeless extraterrestrial bodies in Roswell

Perhaps, and only perhaps, some people are honest and want to explain a story that has been concealed for many years and someone had to say it loud and clear. Thanks to witnesses such as Philip, the Disclosure Project began its strenuous efforts and to date is considered a testimony of the Roswell case.

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