The Loch Ness Monster being an ancient aquatic plesiosaur is the most popular and acceptable theory when it comes to the origin of Nessie, and “the huge eel” theory is most often mentioned among modern ones.
However, biologist Henry Bauer has his own point of view.
Research by Professor Henry Bauer of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University found that Loch Ness Monter may be a type of undiscovered sea turtle that was trapped in the lake when the waters receded at the end of the last Ice Age.

The American scientist dismissed the idea that Nessie is a form of dinosaur and said:
“The creatures that lurk in Loch Nessare a variety of large sea turtles that have not yet been discovered and described correctly, and that it most likely still exists in some niches in the oceans.”
Henry Bauer
Henry Bauer, 89, a retired professor of chemistry and scientific studies, said:
“The most popular attribution of identity for the Loch Ness monsters is a relationship to extinct plesiosaurs, but this is difficult to square with the rarity of the sightings on the surface and much less with the occasional sightings on land.”
Henry Bauer
‘He further added:
“On the other hand, everything that is described for Loch Ness monster is known among the many species of living turtles that are now believed to be extinct, such as those that breathe air, but spend most of their time in the water, going to land only during the breeding season (laying eggs). They have rather long necks, and their flippers are very similar in structure to the flippers of extinct aquatic dinosaurs like the plesiosaurus or the mosasaurus.
Henry Bauer

Professor Bauer’s work, which has been published in a respected scientific journal, is the latest chapter in a worldwide fascination for Nessie.
This is one of the oldest myths in Scotland, reports that a creature lived in Loch Ness dating back to the 6th century.
The first written account was recorded in AD 565 in a biography of Saint Columba.
According to the text, the creature bit a swimmer and was prepared to attack another man when Columba intervened.
He ordered the beast to “come back” and it obeyed.

In 1960, aeronautical engineer Tim Dinsdale filmed a hump that left a wake across Loch Ness.
The elusive sea creature was “seen” 12 times last year.
In December, a couple who visited the lake said they saw a creature repeatedly emerge.
The news came weeks after a ship’s sonar detected an object 33 feet deep at 550 feet.
At the time, Gary Campbell of the Official Loch Ness Sighting Register commented:
“It all adds to the mystery. In many ways, it is a harvest year for sightings.”
Gary Campbell
Professor Bauer said he is sure the Monster is real and he concluded by saying that:
“The Tim Dinsdale film taken in 1960 is conclusive evidence, but there are also countless sonar contacts, some excellent underwater photography, and some plausible surface photography.”
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