strange incident

Strange incident “Space-Time” suffered by a woman on a road in Spain

The story of a 37-year-old Spanish woman, who witnessed a highly strange incident while driving her vehicle on the way to work.

strange incident

A few days ago, one of our editors summoned us to tell us the testimony of a person from his circle of trust, who had entrusted him with a secret. One of those secrets that, in the most absurd moment perhaps, take strength and prominence. A friend from years ago but who, despite their friendship, had never told her about her work in our magazine. In fact, it had not been to visit him for a long time and he had no idea of ​​our editor’s fondness for UFOlogy, they had never engaged in a conversation on the subject.

He told her something that he had only shared before with a person and to top it off, that person made fun of her later (as is usual in these cases). And, when someone comes face to face with the most disconcerting mystery, he has left a mark in his mind. Fear provokes the own introversion of those who have suffered a “UFO” or paranormal experience. It should not be an easy task to have to assimilate a fact of these characteristics, and still less to share it with others.

Out of respect for the protagonist and her family, we will maintain her anonymity and call her Raquel. Raquel was 18 years old at that time. She was a beautiful young girl from the town of Petrer, Alicante. At that time, he worked in the footwear industry in a factory in the nearby city of Elche, about 23 kilometers from Elda-Petrer. She had a serious relationship of some years with her future husband and they enjoyed youth, health, family and work.

Although Raquel was a happy and extroverted girl, as a child she had had certain “encounters” with what we might call a black shadow at very specific moments. A shadow with the figure of a man who, although faceless and totally opaque, could guess a long beard. These meetings (as I say very punctual), were always in the same situation: Alone in his room, at the time of “duermevela”, just before falling asleep. And just before the apparition the same pattern was repeated: A strong and blinding flash of light.

strange incident

This incident that some could relate to the paranormal or the parapsychologist, would repeat throughout his puberty and adolescence. Always in the same way. Every time he wanted to scream or leave the room, his body was motionless, his voice mute and his body totally paralyzed. This may remind us of the “Paralysis of Sleep”, but a certain detail such as the flash of light, does not agree with the usual in these cases. And much less with what would come later.

It was a cold Monday morning in December 1999. It seemed to be a normal day like any other, in the routine life of Rachel. It was not yet dawn when he started the car to go to work, minutes before 6 in the morning. She took the way to her work every day. The distance, about 25 kilometers, could take about 30 minutes on the road, taking into account traffic and time. He always entered before 7am, which was when he began his workday, so he went well of time, as always.

It would take about 10 minutes to drive when he took the old road to access the highway. And while driving his car down a straight stretch, he ran into the mystery … Suddenly, he noticed something in the back seat in the rearview mirror. And when he fixed his gaze on the mirror, there it was. The black shadow. It was a thousandths of a second what lasted that moment when he was struck by a huge flash of light. And without more, without knowing how or why, appeared just 100 meters from the door of his work.

strange incident

It would have been around 35 or 40 minutes of which he remembers absolutely nothing. Nor how he got there without being aware of it, nor the feeling that a single second had passed. Rachel arrived with a few minutes ahead, as she had always done. Only, this time, I did not know what was happening. He stayed several minutes in the car, in real shock. His face was completely disengaged and, frightened, decided to remain silent. He did his job like any other day and went home. But the events were not over.

That night Rachel was vomiting and suffering from dizziness. He felt bad and what had happened that morning only added to his uneasiness. To her surprise, a few days later she decided to take a pregnancy test because of the similarity of the symptoms she had with pregnancy. And indeed. I was pregnant for at least four weeks. He had not had symptoms except that day. She remembers having a happy and peaceful pregnancy, although the delivery was quite complicated and Raquel suffered a great risk during the intervention.

However, his son Daniel, had been born healthy. In fact, at almost 18 years of age, Daniel is now a strong, healthy sportsman. He has never been sick or ill and has enjoyed iron health. Raquel does not remember having another similar event or that repeated in her childhood, or that mysteriously took her to work without knowing the way, that morning in December 1999. Only two people knew of his testimony.

Testimony that today we protect with respect and humility, and that we want to share with our followers and with the many good investigators who dedicate themselves to the matter, without providing any argumentation or point of view, but simply the pure and simple story about the incident, so that each one can contribute their own conclusions. And of course, in order to help Raquel find answers, at 37 years of age and after almost two decades of silence, she does not understand what could have happened and who was the sombre bearded man who so many nights stole her calm and that one morning changed his life.

For more stories:  The truth behind the astronaut of Solway : Mystery Solved

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