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5 posts
Mysterious Lights Before Morocco Earthquake: What Are They?
On Friday, September 8, a devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck the High Atlas Mountains in eastern Morocco, claiming…
Seismologists warn that a mega-earthquake could shake the planet at any time
2016 was a year of surprises and historical records, and not only because of the political elections in…
4 UFOs In A Formation Seen Over Fukushima, Japan During An Earthquake
This week and after 11 years of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that caused the second most important…
Movement in a California seismic fault detected that had been inactive for 500 years
The activity of this geological fracture could cause a destructive 8.0 earthquake on the Richter scale. Recently a…
Earthquakes and UFO sightings are connected, says a former US Marine.
A former marine has strangely claimed that a large number of UFO sightings are connected to mega-earthquakes and other natural…