Alien abduction of Dionisio Llanca

The Mysterious Alien Abduction Of Dionisio Llanca By Alien Humanoids

Many people around the world have reported being abducted by the Aliens which includes very clever notions. It includes frivolous flashbacks and visions of otherworldly beings, performing various mysterious actions on the abductee. However, what is scarier is that when the victim awakes, they cannot remember a thing. We will further discuss a more interesting tale of the alien Abduction of Dionisio Llanca, by humanoid aliens.

According to researchers, this phenomenon is widespread and the abductees are in thousands, across the world. There has been valuable information about the phenomenon from the study of few instances.

Alien Abduction of Dionisio Llanca

First abduction reports:

Alien abduction reports were first made in the late 19th century. The most renowned abduction case is considered to be of Nome, Alaska, where about 24 civilians mysteriously disappeared from 1960-2004.

FBI homicide detectives later tailed into the matter and blamed the ‘Nome missing people incident’ as an influence of “excessive alcohol and harsh winter climate.”

However, more leading points importantly justify possible alien abduction, a hypothesis which was strongly supported by the 2009 movie, “The Fourth Kind”.

Our main focus though is not on this case. We have another fascinating story from the 70s of a truck driver from Argentina who was allegedly abducted by three humanoid aliens.

The Alien Abduction Of Dionisio Llanca by Humanoid Aliens

Dionisio Llanca was an experienced truck driver born in Ingeniero Jacobacci, Rio Negro, Argentina. On 27 October 1973, he got out of bed unaware of the events that were about to unfold that day. After he had dinner with his uncle Enrique Ruiz, he got into his Dodge 600 truck that was fully loaded with construction materials ready to be delivered to Rio Gallegos.

He left the house at about 12:30 AM on Sunday night, and because of the skills developed during his 12 years career as a driver, he noticed that something was wrong at the right rear tire of the vehicle, but decided to leave the problem for later. He then carried on with his nocturnal journey.

Alien Abduction of Dionisio Llanca

On the way to Rio Gallegos, he got a flat tire due to excessive pressure of the heavy load but there was nothing Dionisio could do to fix it.

He decided to get off the truck in the blinding darkness and engage in an attempt to fix his broken vehicle. It was around 1:15 am when he started replacing the tires alone in an isolated road.

Statement Of Dionisio Llanca Describing The Alien Abduction Incident:

“I braked the truck on the shoulder, got down, took out the jack and the tools, and began to change the tire. The road was completely deserted. All at once, the road was illuminated with an intense yellow light that seemed to be about 2,000 meters distant.

Because of the color, I thought that they might be the headlights of a Peugeot and continued with my work. A few seconds passed and I had my shoulder to the light but it became so bright that it lighted the whole area.

Now the light had changed to a bluish color similar to an electric arc welder. I tried to get up but could not rise; I had no strength, and a strange thing – – my legs would not respond.

I was on my knees. I wanted to get up and look towards the woods that grew along one side of the road.

Then I saw a great thing in the form of a plate suspended in the air at some seven meters altitude, and three persons at my shoulders looking at me. I tried once more to get up but could not. The paralysis became total and I could not even talk.”

He further said:

“The three beings stood looking at me for a long time, perhaps five minutes. They were two men and a woman. The woman was between the two men. I believed it was a woman because of the form of the breast and the long hair, blonde, reaching to the middle of her.

The men were also blond with shorter hair in the back. The three were about the same height, one meter and 70 or 75 centimeters, and dressed in the same manner: single piece smoky gray coverall suits well fitted to the figure, yellow boots and long gloves reaching to the middle of the arm of the same color. They had no belts, nor weapons, nor helmets nor anything else.

Their faces were like ours except for high foreheads and elongated and a little tilted eyes. They talked among themselves in a language impossible for me to understand. They had no vocal inflections but sounded like a radio badly tuned with chirps and buzzes

One of them grabbed me by the neck of my sweater and lifted me firmly but without violence. I tried to talk but my voice would not come out. While the one held me up another put an apparatus in the base of my index finger on the left hand.

They looked closely at the apparatus. It was like a razor but had a small tube. They applied it to me for several seconds. It did not hurt. When they left I had two drops of blood on my finger, then I passed out.”

Dionisio woke up around 3 am that Sunday between 2 cars in the backyard of the Sociedad Rural Bahia Blanca, about 9 km from where he met the three humanoids. He recalls having temporary amnesia unable to remember any aspect related to the recent incident. Feeling confused and lost, he started walking across the road, only to grow weak and faint away.

The next thing he did, after he opened his eyes again, was to start following route 3 disoriented until a driver pulled over, picked him up, and took him to the local police station, who on hearing his story, assumed he was drunk. They hence forwarded him to Hospital Espanol.

Dr. Ricardo Smirnoff’s Diagnosis from the Hospital:

“The subject has no visible injuries but refuses to be touched on the head as if he is having a profound ailment located there. There is also a barely unnoticed abrasion on his left eyelid.”

Dionisio’s memory wasn’t coming back, and he was periodically broke down asking in which city he was until the hospital staff decided to transfer him to the Hospital Municipal. It was on October 30, at 10 AM when the man woke up in another hospital bed with his memory fully recovered.

First, he looked for a cigarette and checked the time, but seemed to be missing except for his 150,000 pesos. Although he now had the memory of the entire alien encounter, he seemed more worried about his truck rather than what happened. Fortunately, the police informed him they found his vehicle parked on a roadside in Villa Bordeu, approximately 18 kilometers from the city of Bahia Blanca.

Memory Revival:

After Dionisio came back to his senses, in the Municipal Hospital of Bahia Blanca on October 30, he was more concerned about his missing belongings, rather than the abduction incident. Once he had figured out, that all his belongings were in place, he agreed on submitting to pentothal, or “the truth serum” to examine what actually happened to him. After his tests, he was directly released from the hospital and went straight to his uncle’s place on Chubut’s street.

He couldn’t sleep, although he was tired due to strange nightmares that preoccupied him. He finally had to rush to psychiatrist Eduardo Mata hoping to find a cure for his disorder.

The Treatment Of Dionisio Llanca and his Confessions:

A group of experts was gathered by the initiative of the psychiatrist to deal with Dionisio’s needs. The first tests had the abductee draw a sketch of the humanoid occupants of the flying device.

The team of doctors expressed their excitement after their initial success and further completed an electrocardiogram on the man. He was then sent home to rest and was about to return on November 6 to discuss the results.

But Dionisio Llanca didn’t show up on the appointed date, so doctors had to pay him a visit at his uncle’s house in order to carry on with their analysis. The team of experts was guided by Eduardo Mata and Eladio Santos.

When they reached Dionisio, he had already eaten and pentothal couldn’t be administered until after two successive hypnosis sessions. The third session had been performed under the effect of pentothal and everything that Dionisio unveiled was recorded on tape:

“I go up with the two men by a beam of light. The floor is like lead, silver, there is only one window, round. It looks like a ship. There are many devices, many, two televisions (I suppose he meant screens), a radio. On one of the TV, you can see the stars.

Radio speaks to me in Spanish and tells me not to be afraid, that they are friends, that they have been coming for a long time. They did not say where they came from because it was a secret for them.

They said they had spoken with other men from Earth since the year 1950. They want to know if we can live on earth with them. Your planet is bound to suffer very grave catastrophes if your behavior continues as it is at present.

Alien Abduction of Dionisio Llanca

On top of the table, there is a lighter, along with a watch and a pack of cigarettes. The woman gets a black glove, with thumbtacks on the palm, approaches me, touches me, I slowly fall into a paddock by a beam of light. They told me they would come back and get me because I’m a good boy. I feel cold. I start walking…Who am I?, Who am I?”

Thus, hypnotized, he mentioned about three humanoid aliens and how they approached the truck and cut a small portion of skin from his index finger with a device that looked like a razor. Later he was even veiled in a yellowish amber beam of light and was vacuumed inside the spaceship. It only sounds like a horror story, but Dionisio Llanca Abduction by Humanoid Aliens was a reality.

When inside, he saw the blonde woman had various instruments that he identified as medical and surgical equipment. The fears, only he’d know, on seeing them.

One of the men suspected by Dionisio to be the pilot was standing in front of the control board and held in one hand a device depicted as a joystick.

The other blonde humanoid was staring at the sky through a hardened glass panel, and the image was projected on a series of monitors laid out to the left of Dionisio.

Thereafter, situations got more intense when a door malfunctioned and several cables came loose from a cockpit and landed on a high voltage power-line located in the proximity of the craft. After fixing these non-humanly instruments, the woman put on a black glove with suction valves in the palm and made an incision on Dionisio’s right parietal.

Suddenly, then the alien woman and punched him in the left eyebrow, which caused him a bruise, leaving evidence to his statements. The humanoid trio then examined his head and realizing the injury was not deep, disposed of him in a nearby road, where he was found with no memory.


The case caught the attention of the Argentinian UFO researcher Fabio Zerpa, who further led a team of investigators to connect the dots given by Dionisio Llanca. Their inquiry concluded that an energy pylon had indeed deteriorated.

Investigations further led to the evidence that, on Sunday of October 28, 1973, between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM, there was an unexplained increase in power consumption. This further linked to the case of Dionisio Abduction by Humanoid Aliens.

A book was written by Fabio Zarpa-discussing the above incident of Dionisio Abduction by Humanoid Aliens, providing evidence and authenticity despite all doubts.

What are your perceptions regarding one of the scariest stories, of human history? Comment below!

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