
The Fuente Magna Bowl: Ancient Sumerian Writings Indicate Ancient Alien Contact At Puma Punku

In 1549, one of the most remarkable and contentious archaeological discoveries was found in South America which is known as the Fuente Magna Bowl. The bowl is currently located at the Precious Metals Museum in La Paz Bolivia and this unique piece of ceramic contains what some believe is one of the biggest secrets of ancient mankind. The massive stone bowl, which is also famous as the “Rosetta Stone of the Americas” is believed to have been used for ceremonial or ritualistic purposes such as purifications, baptisms, or libations.

In the 1950s, a local farmer unearthed the Fuente Magna Bowl near Tiahuanaco (perhaps the greatest Native American civilization that many people haven’t heard of) and Lake Titicaca. This bowl is said to be proof of extraterrestrial encounters at Puma Punku by researchers all over the world. The area where the bowl was found had never been excavated before in search of artifacts, however thermoluminescence proof that the bowl is of ancient origin.

The bowl is earthen-brown in color which is delicately etched with a variety of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures and patterns. However, the question is that what makes this bowl so interesting? The answer is that the researchers have found Sumerian cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphs on the bowl which is kind of a deal since experts believe that Sumerians, as well as the ancient people that inhabited Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, were never connected.

On the other pieces of the bowl, the researchers can easily find inscriptions written in the ancient Quellca language which was allegedly originated in Andean Pukara Civilization, a forerunner to the reputed Tiwanaku Empire.

The Fuente Magna was housed at the city’s “Museo De Metales Preciosos” (Museum of Precious Metals) nearly for 40 years. Two Bolivian archaeologists named Freddy Arce and Bernardo Biados decided to visit the site of the Fuente’s Magna discovery in 2000 and took interviews of the local locals and hunt for any clues as to the odd bowl’s origins. Initially, nothing intact could be learned about the bowl, however, their luck changed when they met a 98- year-old farmer called Maximiliano.

Fuente Magna Bowl

He happened to recognize the Fuente Magna from a photograph and referred to it as “el plato del chanco”. What came next was surprising as the farmer was using the same bowl as a pig feeding container. He went on to tell Arce and Biados that he did not realize the value of the bowl until the bowl was bought by someone who handed the bowl over to the local La Paz municipal officials.

The archaeologists captured the photographs and concluded that the bowl must have been used for performing rituals or ceremonies. Later they conveyed their findings to a well-known American epigraphist named Clyde Ahmed Winters.

The Fuente Magna Bowl has been the subject of some debate, with several researchers offering various interpretations. Dr. Alberto Marini reported that the letters engraved on the Fuente Magna Bowl were Sumerian, whereas Dr. Clyde A. Winters concluded that it was most likely Proto-Sumerian, which is found on numerous Mesopotamian artefacts.

Fuente Magna Bowl

Dr. Winters conducted a number of studies on the Fuente Magna Bowl, yielding some fascinating results. He compared the writing to Libyco-Berber writing, which was employed by the Proto-Dravidians, Proto-Mande, Proto-Elamites, and Proto-Sumerians in the Sahara 5000 years ago, according to studies.

The uncovered Vai script featured a lot of fascinating and very similar signals to the Libyco-Berber, Indus valley, Proto-Elamite, and Proto Sumerian signs, according to Dr. Winters, which helped him to decode the text. He was able to decipher some of the writings by using the phonetic values of the Vai script. The Sumerian language is closely related to the Mande, Dravidian, Proto-Sumerian languages, and Vai scripts, according to studies. Dr. Winters was able to read the Vai script by employing the phonetic values of the script.

Dr. Winters was able to understand the Fuente Magna Bowl inscription using the Sumerian language after successful transliteration. He basically compared the writing on the Fuente Magna bowl to the writing on the Vai bowl and came to the conclusion that the Fuente Magna Bowl inscriptions are written in Proto-Sumerian script, and the symbols displayed are made up of several Proto-Sumerian signs that are joined together to form words and sentences.

Dr. Winters dismantled the Fuente Magna Bowl into its component parts so that the phonetic values of the Vai writing could be deciphered. The inscriptions on the right side of the Fuente Magna have been transliterated from top to bottom and right to left.

1.  Pa ge gi

2.  Mi lu du

3.  I mi ki

4.  me su du

5.  Nia po

6.  Pa

7.  Mash

8.  Nia mi

9.  Du lu gi

10 . Ka me lu

11 . Zi

12 . Nan na pa-I

Winters gave the below-given translation:

“(1) Girls take an oath to act justly (this) place. (2) (This is) a favorable oracle of the people. (3) Send forth a just divine decree. (4) The charm (the Fuente Magna) (is) full of Good. (5) The (Goddess) Nia is pure. (6) Take an oath (to her). (7) The Diviner. (8) The divine decree of Nia (is) , (9) to surround the people with Goodness/Gladness. (10) Value the people’s oracle. (11) The soul (to), (12) appear as a witness to the [Good that comes from faith in the Goddess Nia before] all mankind.”

The inscriptions on the left side of the Fuente Magna were transliterated as follows:

1.  Tu ki a mash pa

2a . Lu me lu ki mi

2b.  Pa be ge

3.  Zi

4.  lu na

5 . ge

6.  du po

7.  I tu po

8.  lu mi du

(1) Make a libation (this) place for water (seminal fluid?) and seek virtue. (2a) (This is) a great amulet/charm, (2b) (this) place of the people is a phenomenal area of the deity [Nia’s] power. (3) The soul (or breath of life). (4) Much incense, (5) to justly, (6) make the pure libation. (7) Capture the pure libation (/or Appear (here) as a witness to the pure libation). (8) Divine good in this phenomenal proximity of the deity’s power.”

The successful decipherment of the inscriptions on the Fuente Magna Bowl appears to show that this piece of ceramic was used to give fertility sacrifices to the Goddess Nia, praising her for the abundant wildlife and flora in the area that allowed the Sumerian explorers to live while in Bolivia.

The Fuente Magna Bowl was most likely manufactured by Sumerians who settled in Bolivia sometime after 2500 BC, according to the findings, which completely contradicts modern archaeology and history, which argues that these ancient civilizations were never related.

Fuente Magna Bowl

The exterior of the bowl has been made up of two zoomorphic figures discovered in Ancient Tiwanaku Symbology – the frog and the snake. The question is that how did a bowl with proto Sumerian writings end up in a location near Lake Titicaca which is around 12,500 feet above sea level and hundreds of kilometers from the Sumerian homeland?

Researchers believe that Sumerians were marine people that navigated the Parana river to reach the old Peabiru road, following which they had the access to the Andes region back in 3000 BC. The Sumerians mixed and traded with the Pukara people in things like copper, gold, and ceramics.

Well, the Fuente Magna Bowl is one kind of a thing in itself. What are your views regarding the same?

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