Canada UFO Report

The Government Of Canada Has Released 20 Years Of UFO Reports

The Government of Canada has released 500 UFO reports spanning nearly 300 pages containing dozens of bizarre sightings by commercial pilots, soldiers, and police officers.

The Government Of Canda Has Released 20 Years Of UFO Reports

The report was obtained by VICE World News through Canada’s freedom of information laws, the reported cases date back to last year when a Canadian military flight spotted a “bright green flying object” that “flew up in a cloud and then disappeared.” over the east of the boreal country.

Other recent unusual sightings include Newfoundland police tracking “two brightly colored flying objects” in August 2001 and a December 2018 passenger flight from Alaska to Seattle that reported, “pulsing lights” descending from 60,000 feet.

“I would be adamantly inclined to believe anyone who reports something,” former Canadian fighter pilot John ‘Jock’ Williams told VICE World News. “There are no advantages to making a false report.”

Williams is an aviation consultant who has also worked as a federal flight safety officer.

“There is a clear reluctance to report things,” he commented. “I’m amazed at how much material they’ve released, and some of it is actually pretty good.”

The released documents go back to a shocking aerial sighting that happened in 2021

There are also many civilian sightings, such as a large “glowing object seen floating quite quickly back and forth just above the tree line” near Peterborough, Ontario in January 2011.

An unusually long report even details a sighting that was confirmed by military radar. On the night of December 23, 2018, a fisherman in the Bay of Fundy and a woman at her home in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, contacted a search and rescue center to report a light that “was yellow, steady, and hovering.” » high above the Atlantic Ocean. When Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) personnel reviewed NORAD radar data, the joint US-Canadian air defense alliance “observed three main radar hits” that correlated almost exactly with time and the location of the sighting.

On the more prosaic side, the reports also include what are clearly sightings of drones, meteors, balloons, and satellites, such as a December 2019 Air Canada Express flight that reported “40 lights in the sky… traveling in groups of 15”, which was most likely a constellation—relatively rare at the time—of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites.

Others almost seem psychedelic, like a resident of Saint Walburg, Saskatchewan, who notified an air force base in October 2020 of “thousands of diamond-shaped objects passing overhead at very high speed.”

But the releases also contain dozens of reports that underscore the simple fact that credible witnesses like pilots, soldiers, and police officers see things in the sky that they cannot identify. In other words, the evidence says that UFOs exist. The real question is: what are they?

The PDF with all the documents of the Canada UFO reports can be downloaded at THIS LINK or be viewed below:

Source: Vice

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  1. I tweeted this story then shared it on Facebook then my FB got hacked 20 minutes later a fact checker said a different post was false but they removed that UFO story from my profile and the link as well I was a little miffed. Unbelievable bad luck. So I sent the link and the story to as many people as I could before it disappeared. Thank God! There’s 300 pages there!

  2. I tweeted this story then shared it on Facebook then my FB got hacked 20 minutes later a fact checker said a different post was false but they removed that UFO story from my profile and the link as well I was a little miffed. Unbelievable bad luck. So I sent the link and the story to as many people as I could before it disappeared. Thank God! There’s 300 pages there! Shit. Now I can’t comment here it says duplicate comment. WTF

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