The Mysterious Inga Stone: a message from advanced ancient civilisations?

Rising in the middle of the waters of the Brazilian river of Ingá, the mysterious Inga Stone is an archeological treasure that still raises controversy today.

Rising in the middle of the waters of the Brazilian river of Ingá, the mysterious Inga Stone is an archeological treasure that still raises controversy today.

The Inga stone is 45 meters in length and 4 meters in height there are strange unidentified geometric symbols, of variable shape and size, that were apparently engraved on its outer layer of gneiss.

Although many experts have speculated about the origins and meaning of these symbols, so far it has not been possible to demonstrate 100% that any of these theories is a fact.

Is it a message from our ancestors for future generations? Was there an unknown civilization that had ancient technology forgotten millennia ago? What do these symbols really mean, who engraved them on the rock wall, and why?

Given its origin is at least 6,000 years old, Piedra de Ingá is an archaeological wonder worldwide. There are other stones, besides caves, in the surroundings of the Inga Stone, and they also have engravings on their surface.

However, they do not reach the same level of complexity in their elaboration and style as the Inga Stone. Archaeologist and researcher Gabriele Baraldi first encountered one of these caves in the Ingá area in 1988: after this finding, several more were found.

In total, Baraldi has examined up to 497 symbols on the walls of these caves. Most of Ingá’s engravings are of dark significance, although some of them undoubtedly represent celestial elements, two being observed that are practically identical to the Milky Way and the constellation of Orion.

Other petroglyphs have been interpreted as animals, fruits, weapons, human figures, ancient (or imaginary) airplanes or birds, and even a primitive “index” of the various stories divided into sections with each of the symbols connected to the corresponding number of their chapter.

Father Ignatius Rolim, professor of Greek, Latin and theology, has affirmed that the symbols of the Stone of Ingá are similar to those of ancient Phoenician engravings. In fact Rolim was one of the first to raise this theory.

Other researchers have observed that the symbols could be related to the ancient runes, and have further confirmed their similarities in complexity and linear arrangement with a possible short passage of religious scriptures.

Another researcher of Austrian origin, Ludwig Schwennhagen, studied the history of Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, discovering important connections between the appearance of the symbols of Ingá, not only with the Phoenician script, but also with the demotic (more commonly linked to documents writings, both literary and business) of ancient Egypt.

There were even researchers who found a remarkable resemblance between the engravings of Ingá and aboriginal art found on Easter Island.

Some ancient historians embarked on the task of studying more closely each of the symbols, such as author and researcher Roberto Salgado de Carvalho.

Rising in the middle of the waters of the Brazilian river of Ingá, the mysterious Inga Stone is an archeological treasure that still raises controversy today.

The concentric circles that appear engraved on the Stone of Ingá could have according to this expert relationship with phallic symbols, while the spiral shapes could mean “transcosmological trips or displacements”, probably due to shamanic trances.

Or altered states of consciousness or even the intake of hallucinogens, while forms similar to the letter “U” could symbolize a uterus / vagina, rebirth or an entrance / door, always according to Salgado de Carvalho.

The series of symbols, in this sense, can therefore point to an ancient formula engraved on the Stone of Ingá, possibly used to access a “door to the supernatural world,” in the words of Salgado de Carvalho himself.

Other researchers have raised the possibility that these ancient prints were a warning to future civilizations of the proximity (or perhaps the recent overcoming) of a global disaster, through which the people of the time would have briefly preserved their technology from a previous civilization.

On the other hand, the possible presence of more than one language engraved on the stone leads us to propose a whole new set of possibilities.

Since there is no historical evidence to date linking the representation of stars and constellations with the Brazilian natives of this era, it is possible that the artists who were the engravers were part of a nomadic civilization, or human group that was temporarily visiting the region .

Some insist that the usual lithic tools for making engravings at the time would have been sufficient for those ancient Indian cultures to create these petroglyphs with remarkable effort and skill. Another theory, proposed by Baraldi, argues that an ancient civilization made use of geothermal energy processes to create these symbols using the molds and lava ducts of inactive volcanoes.

In addition, a popular theory of extraterrestrial contact has also been taken into consideration, since the symbols of Ingá are so different from the rest found so far in the area, including some researchers, such as Claudio Quintans, from the Paraiban Center of Ufology, the possibility that a spacecraft had landed in the Ingá area in remote times and the symbols were traced by the extraterrestrial visitors themselves on the rock walls.

There are still others, such as Gilvan de Brito, author of “Journey to the Unknown,” who assume the theory that equates the symbols of the Stone of Ingá with ancient mathematical formulas or equations that would explain quantum energy or the distance traveled on trips between different celestial bodies, such as the Earth and the Moon.

However, regardless of the theory that seems most convincing, there is little doubt about the importance of this finding.

Engravings of the Stone of Ingá would have some really special meaning for someone, and expressed in a thorough manner. But more importantly: what was it about? And to what extent is it relevant for us today?

As we advance in technology and the awareness of our own civilizations, we can continue to hope to someday better understand these symbols and shed some light on this and other ancient mysteries.

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