The Archons: The Extraterrestrial race that dominated the Ancient World

History of the Archons. The Gnostics were followers of an ancient mystical faith that suffered intense persecution at the hands of the early Christians who considered their beliefs heretical. 


Today, this faith is best known for its assimilation in certain Christian scriptures, especially, the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelations.

However, most of the primary information related to this religious sect has been lost and destroyed over the years. But in December 1947, a discovery was made in Egypt of a secret bank of primary sources related to this influential faith, and intriguingly, these ancient texts contain crucial information about the UFO phenomenon.

Could an ancient religious faith have the key to the extraterrestrial phenomenon?

Ancient texts suggest that adherents of religion used various methods to communicate with the universe. In communion with the universe, the Gnostic seers came to develop a theological belief system centered on the goddess Sofia, the origin of divine wisdom. In addition to that, they also believed that inorganic exotic beings were present in the solar system and had a fundamental role in determining the course of human civilization.

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According to the ancient Gnostic texts, these aliens are considerably older than the human race. In fact, before the existence of the solar system itself. It was said that these aliens, whom the Gnostics called the bunkers, inhabited this solar system but were not able to really enter the Earth.

However, although they cannot physically manifest themselves on this planet, they are still able to have an impact on the behavior of human beings. It is said that the Archons are an incredibly powerful alien race that can affect human beings with subliminal messages that can alter consciousness.


According to the Gnostics, it was this subliminal conditioning that led to the creation of all the main ideologies on Earth including all religious doctrines. The Gnostic texts focus primarily on the Archons when they refer to extraterrestrial beings, but they also clarify that they were aware of a wide range of other extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings that existed throughout the universe. Most of these beings were considered either benevolent or totally indifferent to humanity, but the Archons were considered particularly hostile.

Perhaps most intriguing of all, these obscure Gnostic texts are heard with enough amazement with folklore and knowledge about extraterrestrial life in the 21st century. The Gnostics identified two types of hostile alien beings. One of which was referred to as a neonatal or embryonic form whose description chimes almost perfectly with the Tall Gray race of extraterrestrial beings.

There is also another reference in the texts to a draconian or reptilian alien form, which seems to sound with contemporary reports of the reptilian alien race. Could this unusual comparison suggest that these ancient texts could be the key to unlocking the extraterrestrial mystery?

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1 comment
  1. I’m 60 yrs of age, served 25 years in the armed forces, and have come to realize that we were all brought up on lies, I’m just sorry it took so long to figure things out, i love all your information, and everything you put out is so wonderful and amazing.

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