100 Million years old finger featured

The Mystery Of The 100 Million Years Old Fossilized Human Finger

According to the science of anthropology, the age of the most ancient remains of representatives of the genus Homo (man) is about 2.8 million years.

Before that, Australopithecines lived on earth, and before them even more ape-like ancestors of man. However, from time to time, very controversial artifacts appear that violate the harmonious evolutionary series. For example, this Fossilized Human Finger, which is at least 100 million years old.

For clarity of understanding, we note that the most ancient representatives of the order of primates appeared on Earth “only” 55-58 million years ago, and 100 million years ago, dinosaurs reigned the planet.

This strange find was discovered in the mid-1980s in a pile of gravel from a limestone quarry in Texas. The owner of the quarry noticed an unusual stone and when he examined it, he thought that it was very similar to a fossilized human finger, because it had a very anatomical image of a nail.

The Mystery Of The 100 Million Years Old Fossilized Human Finger

In this quarry, in similar layers, prehistoric fossils, mainly dinosaur bones, were found earlier, which were dated to about 100 million years. But how could a human finger, or even a primate finger, be in such ancient layers?

Paleontologists examined the find and concluded that yes, it looks a lot like a petrified finger. They also determined that in order for soft tissue to the fossil in this way, the finger (and its owner) had to be quickly buried in an oxygen-free environment. 

Instant burial will mean that individual cells will be mineralized individually and their microscopic details will be preserved.

If so, then the person who once owned this finger should have died a violent death. Add to that the fact that fossils are only formed under exceptional conditions and that sheer luck led to this discovery.

The fossilized finger was then cut with a diamond saw, revealing its distinctive internal structures, arranged in the form of concentric circles.

Computed tomography revealed even more interesting details, for example, the presence of bones, joints, and tendons inside the finger. The difference in their density meant that they appeared as darker areas on the x-ray.

The Mystery Of The 100 Million Years Old Fossilized Human Finger

Although experts have not been able to explain who the finger belonged to, such flat-toed fingers are found only in primates, and 100 million years ago there were no primates.

So how can you logically explain this strange find? Did some unknown species of primates or even humans live on Earth 100 million years ago? Such a discovery would overturn all ideas about the evolution of species at once. 

Another theory suggests time travelers. This would certainly explain all the mysterious artifacts found all over the world.

What do you guys think about this Fossilized Human Finger? Leave us your comments below.

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