
There could be 36 active alien civilizations in our galaxy alone

As of today, no one has found credible evidence (publicly known) that alien civilizations exists. 

However, a new study reveals that there could be more than 30 alien civilizations in our galaxy alone . 

A conclusion that a group of researchers have come to after searching our closest galactic neighborhood to planets that could harbor life forms similar to those that develop on Earth and that could harbor a similar evolution.

According to a study, published in the scientific journal ‘ The Astrophysical Journal ‘, in the Milky Way alone there would be more than three dozen possible active alien civilizations. 
Christopher Conselice, a professor at the University of Nottingham and one of the research directors, explains to the Independent that “there should be at least a few dozen civilizations active in our galaxy under the assumption that it takes five billion years for it to form intelligent life on other planets, such as on Earth. “

Conselice points out that “the idea is to look at evolution, but on a cosmic scale.

alien civilizations

We call this calculation the Copernican Astrobiological Limit .” 

That limit would appear in two ways: a “weak” limit, according to which intelligent life forms on a planet at any time after five billion years; and a “strong” limit, which I would bet on because life was formed between 4.5 billion and 5 billion years ago.

This was the scenario on which the research was based, which was also held on the basis that these new species would need metal-rich environments to develop, since humans developed in the metal-rich environment of the Sun.

A bad sign for Earth if there are no alien civilizations in our galaxy

Scientists believe that in order to detect any type of civilization in our galaxy, you need to be able to collect the signals that are sent into space . 
Given that Earth has been sending radio signals through satellites or television for approximately a century,

it would be concluded that there could be up to 36 intelligent civilizations currently in this galaxy.

However, even if that hypothesis were true, communication would be really complicated given that the average distance to any of these civilizations would be about 17,000 light years , which would complicate any form of communication.

If we discover that there are no active civilizations in our galaxy, it is a bad sign for our own existence

But researchers value another possible scenario, according to which humans on Earth would be the only intelligent life in the galaxy and that civilizations are extinct before we can detect them. In that case, according to Professor Conselice, “the search for intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations not only reveals the existence of how life is formed, but also gives us clues about how long our own civilization will last .”

Therefore, he points out that the long-term prospects for human survival would be lower than might be assumed: “If we discovered that intelligent life is common, this would reveal that our civilization could be an alien civilisation that came to earth from another planet.

But if we discover that there are no active civilizations in our galaxy, it is a bad sign for our own existence.
By searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life, even if we find nothing, we are discovering our own future and destiny. “

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