Travis Walton, the man who was believed to have been murdered, claimed he was abducted by aliens for five days before being returned to Earth. Surprisingly, he was tested multiple times by a lie detector, and each time the machine verified that he was speaking the truth.
Travis Walton, the man who vanished without a trace after he and his crew of loggers claimed to have seen a massive UFO while working in the forest. Following the incident, Travis’ crew members were all suspected of murder; however, Travis reappeared five days later, claiming to have been taken by aliens.
Travis Walton has spent the last four decades defending himself against skeptics who have made it their mission to discredit him; he has even created a book debunking nearly every alternative explanation for what happened to him.
Travis, who is now in his sixties, believes it is critical to continue sharing his experience because the public has a right to “know what’s out there.”

The Alien Abduction Of Travis Walton
The incident occurred on November 5, 1975, as Travis Walton, a logger who worked in the Arizona mountains, was departing for work in a truck with five other crew members. They noticed glimmers of bright lights coming through the trees and pulled aside, fearful of fire.
“When we pulled up into the light where we had straight view – it was unmistakable I yelled stop and one of the guys in the back said it’s a spaceship or a flying saucer it was less than 100 feet away.”
Travis Walton
“It was a clearly defined metallic disc outlined against the sky and fantastic in the grandeur of it.”
“All the guys in the crew – as frightening as it was – also describe it as being beautiful it was so perfect.”
“I got out as soon as Mike who was driving stopped and I left the door open and went towards it.”
“It was just an impulse I thought it would be gone by the time I got close. It was immediately alarming to the other guys and the closer I got they were yelling at me to get back in the truck.”
“Later they said it looked like I was in a trance but looking at them it seemed like they were in a trance too.”

Travis said how the strange craft began making loud noises and moving, prompting him to dive for protection behind a nearby log. He then attempted to stand and flee but was struck by a powerful “force” and hurled into the air.
“When it hit me it was a stunning force. I did not see this blast of energy but the men in the crew gave a statement to the sheriff’s department and said it looked like a long blue flame – others compared it to stepping on a landmine or grenade because it threw me through the air. They were immediately certain it killed me”
Travis Walton’s crewmates immediately feared for their safety and fled the scene in despair, believing Travis was dead. A large search party including of aircraft, ATVs, the local sheriff’s department, and even men on horseback came up empty.
As the search for Travis Walton continued and no sign of him was discovered, authorities began to believe that his crewmates had murdered him and that this was all part of an elaborate story to conceal what had occurred; however, Travis confirmed a very different story from what the authorities believed.
Travis stated that he arrived aboard a spaceship and was surrounded by what he believed to be aliens.
It was very blurry and I had some double vision but I could see the outline of these forms around me I thought they were doctors but when my vision got clearer and I could see these were not doctors – I just flipped out.”
“The one that was closest to me – I tried to hit it away – but I felt like I could hardly move my arm.
“It was more of a push than a hit because I was so weakened but the creature felt soft and lighter than I expected. It fell back into one that was standing near it.
“I backed away and bumped up against a shelf and looked around and saw an array of tools or instruments and I very quickly just grabbed one and started flailing at them.
“They stopped and stood there staring at me and that stare was in my nightmares for many years after that. I couldn’t tolerate that stare.”
Travis Walton
Travis claims he escaped through a door, along a small hallway, and into another room with a control panel. Then a human clothed in what appeared to be a space helmet emerged and escorted him to a separate room where he was placed on a table and given a mask that rendered him unconscious.

“From the beginning it was a battle against people trying to explain it away – the locals didn’t want to believe it, the sheriff didn’t want to believe it – you know he thought it was a murder then a drug hallucination.
Travis Walton
“I had a whole battery of psychiatric tests and there was nothing wrong in that department, drug tests proved there was nothing in my system.”
Travis Walton
Travis Walton stands by his story even 40 years after the incident, and he has taken five separate lie detector tests to demonstrate that what he is saying is true, while witnesses and his fellow crew members have taken a total of 11 additional lie detector tests, all of which have been passed without exception.
According to experts, there is a million to one probability that any errors occurred in this amount of successful examinations.
“I took each and every theory the sceptics came up with and just blew them out of the water with facts, I am certain I’m not the only one who has been taken – this is absolutely real and it’s important that the general public come to a gradual understanding of that”
This is one interesting scenario that is beyond human understanding as of now. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comment section.
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