
3000 Year Old Megalithic Water Temple Found In Tinkuy Peru

The Megalithic Water Temple is over 3,000 years old and in the same complex 21 burials were found with ceramics from the Chimú culture.

The temple is 40 meters wide and 56 meters long; The entire perimeter was surrounded by large stones.Megalithic Water Temple
The temple is 40 meters wide and 56 meters long; 
The entire perimeter was surrounded by large stones.

The Megalithic Water Temple was discovered in the archaeological complex Huaca El Toro, in the district of Oyotún, Lambayeque region. 

The director of the Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum, Walter Alva, reported that this temple is located in what is called the tinkuy, that is, the union of two rivers that were sacred spaces in ancient cultures: the Nanchoc and Udima rivers to form the Zaña.

«In this place, a unique construction was located. It is the only megalithic structure that exists in the Lambayeque region; the facade and all the side walls were built with large granite blocks, ”he told the Andean Agency.

The megalithic temple was discovered in the Huaca El Toro in the district of Oyotún (Lambayeque region), Peru.Megalithic Water Temple
The megalithic temple was discovered in the Huaca El Toro in the district of Oyotún (Lambayeque region), Peru.

Some of these blocks have signs of petroglyphs, which indicate that they brought these blocks from a sacred place. “It is a temple to worship the water because in the front there is an altar with holes, which were altars linked to the cult of water,” he revealed.

He mentioned that in the excavations – in 10 units in total – it has been found that at the time of the Formative or Preclassic America (1500 BC to 292 AD) essentially three construction phases were recorded.

Walter Alva holding in drawing with the original appearance of the temple. Megalithic Water Temple
Walter Alva holding in drawing with the original appearance of the temple.

«The oldest was a building constructed with conical adobes and small stone; in the middle phase stone was used and the last phase of the Formative corresponds to walls of large blocks and in the upper part there are signs of columns, a courtyard full of mud columns that disappeared due to the effect of time and rains, ”he explained.


Alva said they have discovered a tomb from the Final Formative era, when the temple was probably losing its validity, and another 20 graves belonging to the Chimú-Inca culture.

One of the graves found. Megalithic Water Temple
One of the graves found.

“All of them had vessels placed as offerings and tell us that after almost 2,000 years they used this place again as a space for popular burials,” he said.

He stressed that at the burial of the Final Formative era a vessel was found that has a very typical Formative decoration, with the very strong heritage of the Chavín era (with bridge handle).

Vessel with bridge handle.
Vessel with bridge handle.

“When the Chavin influence ends, the temple probably loses its validity and they begin to lay graves of other cultures,” he said.

He stressed that this sector is the place from where the cult of water was directed for the entire Zaña Valley. «The temple is losing its validity, from the year 300 BC, when the influence of the Chavín culture ceases; here theocratic societies end and societies of farmers and warriors begin to emerge ».

Walter Alva said the investigation season was 45 days and resources are expected next year to restart investigations, because this temple is part of a large complex.
Walter Alva said the investigation season was 45 days and resources are expected next year to restart investigations, because this temple is part of a large complex.

Source: Andean Agency

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