
40 years in prison for the woman who killed her partner for a reptilian ritual

Two years ago there was a macabre incident that involved a reptilian ritual and a homicide.

reptilian ritual

Barbara Rogers admitted to killing Steven Mineo at his request since he could not bear to have been expelled from the Sherry Shriner, a group founded by their leader, now deceased, who claimed that reptilians were posing as human beings owning their souls.(reptilian ritual)

According to the investigation that was published in the American newspaper The New Republic, Mineo followed Sherry Shriner since 2004, but his problems began when Rogers became his partner.

Sheriner saw “something” that did not quite convince him and told Mineo that his partner was, in fact, a “Reptilian Soldier.”

Mineo defended his partner, claiming that the “orgonite”, a kind of mixture of metals, resins and quartz, which should kill the reptilians, had no effect on Barbara. But this evidence was not enough for Shriner, who continued her campaign against her.

Therefore, Mineo and Rogers decided to leave the group and publish several videos against their leader. To seem, Mineo could not stand the pressure and begged his partner to kill him.(reptilian ritual)

During the trial, Rogers maintained that the shot was an accident and that she did not know that the weapon was loaded. Prosecutors argued that the couple had consumed alcohol until late at night on the day of the murder.

Rogers claims that Mineo begged him to trigger the weapon after laying his hands on it and aiming it at his head. Then she called emergency and said that her boyfriend had a gun and asked him to shoot him.

Andrew Kroeckel, Assistant District Attorney for Monroe County, exclaimed that they encountered the victim with a bullet wound in the forehead, at point-blank range.(reptilian ritual)

reptilian ritual

Needless to say, Rogers’ lawyers had serious problems explaining what happened, so she was convicted last March for third-degree murder.

On June 10, the mother of three children, without any background, negative behavior and with an immaculate record, was sentenced to forty years in prison.

A case that has raised as much controversy as theories throughout the world. Sherry Shriner, the leader of the sect, defended in 2017 the accusations for the death of Mineo. A year later he died in strange circumstances.

SEE – The case of reptilian alien abduction

It goes without saying that this case is disconcerting in many ways. The strange circumstances, as well as the mysterious death of Shriner shortly after the murder of Mineo, make many things suspect.

In addition, it recalls another very similar case; Max Spiers, 39, who died in Poland prior to a ufology conference, who claimed to be a “super soldier” of a secret government program.(reptilian ritual)

Although it was “confirmed” that he had died of natural causes, a strange and dark substance was found in his mouth. In addition, he had left a strange message that was found by his mother who said “If something happens to me, let me investigate”.

Obviously, for the skeptics Mineo’s death is due to the strange sect in which they got involved, however, the possibility that he was the victim of a reptilian conspiracy is not ruled out either.

The strangest thing of the matter is that this possibility has been given by the media. Yes, those media that a couple of years ago spoke ironically about the background of the case, now they mention it as a real possibility. What is happening?

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