
“Anunnaki” Metropolis of more than 200,000 years old discovered in Africa

Something surprising has been discovered in an area of ​​southern Africa. It is the remains of a large metropolis that measures conservatively, around 1500 square kilometers.(Anunnaki Metropolis)

Anunnaki Metropolis

They have always been there, people noticed them before, but no one could remember who made them or why. Until recently, no one knew how many there were, now they are everywhere, thousands are not, hundreds of thousands of them !, and the story they tell is the most important story of humanity, but it is one that many people may not be willing to listen and accept (Anunnaki Metropolis)

It is part of an even larger community of nearly 10,000 square kilometers and appears to have been built. Are you ready? From 160,000 to 200,000 years before Christ !!

The image below is a close view of a few hundred meters of the landscape taken with google-earth. The region is very remote and “circles” are often faced with local farmers, who are supposed to have been made by some indigenous peoples in the past, but strangely, nobody bothered to ask about who could have done it or how old it is. (Anunnaki Metropolis)

Anunnaki Metropolis

This changed when researcher and author Michael Tellinger teamed up with Johan Heine, a local firefighter, and pilot who had been flying over the region for years observing the ruins. Heine had the unique advantage of seeing the number and reach of these strange stone foundations and knew that their importance was not valued. (Anunnaki Metropolis)

“When Johan introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of ​​the incredible discoveries made in a year to two, the photographs, artifacts, and evidence that have been accumulating, no doubt, a Lost and never seen before, civilization is prior to all others, not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but for many thousands of years and these discoveries are so surprising that it is not easily digested by the current Historical, fraternity as we have already experienced, will require a complete paradigm shift in how we see our history of humanity – “. Tellinger

Anunnaki MetropolisThe area is important because of the surprising amount of gold deposits. “The thousands of ancient gold mines discovered over the past 500 years point to a missing civilization that lived and dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years,” Tellinger says. “And if this is really the cradle of humanity, we may be looking at the activities of the oldest civilization on Earth.”

To see the number and scope of these ruins of this Metropolis, we suggest that you use google-earth and start with the following coordinates:

– Machadodorp
– 25 38 ‘07.82 “S / 30 21’ 18.79” E
Machadodorp – 25 39 ‘13.13 “E Badplaas – 25 47’ 33.45” S / 30 40 ‘38.76 “E Waterval – 22.42 “S / 30 17 ‘03.25” E

Then perform a low-level search inside the area formed by this rectangle. Simply incredible!
The site is about 150 km from an excellent port, where maritime trade could have helped sustain such a large population, but remember we are talking about a Metropolis of almost 200,000 years ago.

Anunnaki MetropolisThe individual ruins, mainly the most stone circles have been buried in the sand and are only observable by satellite or by plane. Some have been exposed by erosion by melting the sand, revealing the walls and foundations.

When explorers first encountered these ruins, they were supposed to be the corals of cattle made by the nomadic tribes, as the Bantu people, as they moved south and settled the land throughout the 13th century. There was no record Previous history of any civilization capable of building larger as a densely populated community. Little effort was made to investigate the site because the extent of the ruins was not fully known.

In the last 20 years, people like Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, Johan Heine and others have discovered that these stone structures are not what they seem. In fact, these now believe that the remains of ancient temples and astronomical observatories of the loss of The ancient civilizations go back thousands of years ago.

These circular ruins extend over a huge area, can only be truly appreciated from the air or through modern satellite imagery. Many of them are almost completely eroded or have been covered by the earthmoving of agriculture and climate. Some have survived long enough to reveal their large size with some original walls standing almost 5 feet high and more than a meter wide in some places.

As for the whole city, or Metropolis, it is obvious that it was a well-planned community, developed by a highly evolved civilization. The number of ancient gold mines suggests the community’s reason for this location. We found roads, some stretching hundreds of kilometers that connect the community and terraced agriculture, very similar to those found in the Inca settlements in Peru. But a question asks for an answer – how could this be achieved by humans 200,000 years ago?

To be continued..

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  1. Neither Johan nor Michael are researchers. They are dreamers and most of Michael’s writings are taken from other people’s work.

    Yes, I do believe that there was a civilisation of which we know nothing and that these structures means a whole lot more than what the “scientists” tell us, but there is no such thing as the Anunaki and we would be looking for the answers here on earth and not in space.

    When researching these magnificent structures one should be careful not to mix fact and myth …

    1. I’m just a reader with a keen & curious mind, if there are factful mythology then what choices do we have? The term research encompass a huge criteria. If a person is capable of bring 1000 research then he’s obviously a genius. I highly appreciate your work and looking forward to see more

    2. Ok ,aliens, annunaki, are not real,never were real,and are not coming back,now the true one God of Creation that gave Moses the Ten Commandments may have made that land fertile with the gold needed for the Ark of the Covenant along with Solomons Temple and I’m sure Pharaoh had men mine the gold for his wealth and power but 200,000 year old annunaki metropolis, really,them guys need to stop smoking Durban Poison or whatever drugs they using,for the answer to the questions they have are documented in the Holy Bible as a true historical account of the events in which you are making up pseudo science alien annunaki theories of how and who created human beings as slaves to mine gold for aliens because they were to lazy to do it themselves, Jesus speaks of the Samaritan Woman who wasn’t supposed to associate with JEWISH PEOPLE, NOWHERE, I MEAN NOWHERE does the Bible talk about annunaki, it does however say something about aliens- the descendants of the Hermonites-mount Hermon is where Satan and 200 angels were cast to Earth with remnants falling in Saudi Arabia to form what is the Kabba in mecca, Islam’s most unholy space rock meteor piece that formed the cubed monument in Islam’s faith….put that in your pipe and smoke it

      1. Well I wouldn’t put all my answers in the Bible like you speak of ..
        Maybe you should look into some of the Indian religions which date back older than and Christian or catholic bible there is Chinese history and gods date back before the Torah..
        And besides the Bible’s your reading are incomplete.
        The Ethiopian bible is the only complete Christianity bible out there to my knowledge

      2. What about Africa? Its nowhere in the bible. They call us africans when the continent became Africa in 146 bce.

      3. um the bible does say the annunaki and Nephilim will return in end days been studying the bible since i was 15 i am now 40 read it several times they where going to come back before Jesus oh and dragons the devils serpent been waiting for this my whole life things are about to get real here

      4. Lol the Bible as fact? Lol. So the earth was created in 6 days? Or else drug use is involved? No wonder your anonymous. Your mentality will be the end of us. I guess maybe we deserve it….

      5. Correct it is all in the Bible. So maybe you should go actually read it for once and then you will realize that we are not the only beings. Plus I’m sure that you only have the generic Bible as that’s all u can get in the USA. But there are many books of the Bible that were taken out. Example one is called the watchers which explains a lot on this subject.

  2. Having read about the Anunnaki, it tells of a region of South Africa, (as it is now known) where there was a landing place of the chariots. I also believe that it was from the southern tip that scanners were placed that was used to monitor when the Antarctic ice shelf broke off that caused the largest tsunami known to man, which caused the great deluge (flood). All the gold mines and their cities in the Abzu and their main city, the Eridu, in which the Edin was, were buried by several feet of mud and silt. They did rebuild over a lot of the original sites like the Eridu and reestablish landing places after the flood. The Anunnaki were not gods, however, because of their longevity of life, they appeared to be immortal and therefore, it was us that made them gods. They could live for thousands of years but could still die or be killed. Intelligence did not just evolve, it seemed to appear spontaneously and then evolve as a result of Anunnaki genetic manipulation. They did deliberately turn off several DNA parts that probably would have made us more intelligent. The Anunnaki had many savants that they counselled with on their home planet. We have many savants world wide even today, so imagine if somehow, that part of intelligence has somehow switched itself on in certain people. Just recently there was a case of a man who had an accident in a swimming pool and ended up in coma. When he came out of his coma, he was suddenly filled with an urge to play the piano and played it like an expert. The surprising thing was that before the accident, he couldn’t play. Isn’t it interesting that the Sumerians and the Anunnaki are not discussed in history classes, even though, the wheel, calendars, seasons and star charts were created by them. Why is this vital history being so suppressed?

  3. Seriously gtfo of AFRICA. This world is literally dangling on the edge of Armagedon. It’s bad enough that me and the rest of the African(The real Cherokee Indians and Egyptians) descendants are fighting a chemically and genetically modified warfare.It’s bad enough that we (the real JEWels,YAWEH’S CHOSEN PEOPLE) are or were,matter fact, still being kidnapped / enslaved with modern day slavery( TV PROGRAMMING and etc.)and other bs to try to get rid of our kind and because of the melanin that only we possess.EITHER WAY GTFO OF AFRICA!! THATS NOT THE LAND OF CAINE OR HIS DESCENDANTS FROM A DAMN GORILLA CAURCASSE (that’s why they have RH-/+ blood and genetics and that’s the same shit the PRIMEAPES or as they say PRIME MATES have. AFRICANS/BLACKS/CHEROKEES HAVE MELANIN YOU KNOW THE STUFF THAT THE GALAXIES AND SPACE IS MADE OUT OF.

    1. The only people that don’t have melanin, are ALBINO! All races have some degree of melanin. Ignorance comes in all colors.

  4. You can’t view the satellite images on Google maps anymore, they made everything blurry and low resolution. These people love to hide the truth.

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