Astrophysicist Avi Loeb Who Claims That Oumuamua Was An Alien Ship Was Visited By Govt. Agents

“Am I wasting my time?” I asked the two visitors who came to my house from Washington DC a couple of days ago. “Not at all,” they assured me,” Avi Loeb said.

Astrophysicist Avi Loeb Who Claims That Oumuamua Was An Alien Ship Was Visited By Govt. Agents

Taking advantage of the recent paradigm shift regarding UFOs and alien life, the Harvard astrophysicist was the first to suggest that an interstellar object called Oumuamua that passed through the solar system in October 2017 was actually a probe or spacecraft from another. world.

This led Loeb to found the Galileo Project, an initiative that is still in its infancy and whose objective is to identify the so-called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) in our atmosphere through a network of telescopes. And, of course, also beyond it in the form of alien technology active or not (technosignatures) —like the interstellar visitor Oumuamua or something even more scandalous

All of this has led to the scientist being under the scrutiny of his colleagues who are not as open to the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence being so close to home… And apparently US government agents as well.

“Am I wasting my time?” I asked the two visitors who came to my house from Washington DC a couple of days ago. “Not at all”, they assured me,” Loeb said in an essay without revealing the identity of these agents.

“Of course, there is a lingering possibility that he is naive and the UAPs are smoke and mirrors. In that case, we’ll know soon. Which is why I asked my DC guests if I was wasting their time. I do not have access to classified data and the publicly available data is not convincing. But the known facts are intriguing enough to get me going. Just as the nature of dark matter inspired me to write many scientific papers as a theoretical astrophysicist,” he added.

So the astrophysicist thinks it makes more sense to collect new data rather than argue about the implications of past data or beg the government to declassify data it collected with classified sensors in strategic locations.

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