
Alec Newald, the Man who lived with Extraterrestrials for 10 days in their Ship (Video)

One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald departed on what should have been a three-hour flight from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand. He arrived feeling tired and confused, but he was even more confused to learn that Monday had passed and it was Thursday, ten days later, and he had no idea what had happened in the meantime.

Alec Newald disappeared for 10 days when “supposedly” was taken to another planet. In the video that we show below, he recounts his experience of how his life changed and describes the extremely advanced organic technology that also allows him to “grow” to him, as well as to his environment.

He also talks about how spacecraft are operated by a consciousness that “fuses”, and, in fact, is aware of itself, just like what they have repeatedly said is possible in the higher realms. The aliens who took Alec on board their ship were like humans, technologically advanced and could raise their vibration with biological technology so their bodies were less dense and therefore able to travel through space.(Alec Newald)

They could grow as much as plants and animals would want, and the ‘houses’ grew and were sensitive, the boats obeyed their thoughts. His vehicle was a ‘biological animal / vegetable mix. They communicated with their conscience, which was an intrinsic part of the vehicle itself. Instead of eating, they drank a ‘solution’ that could be compared to monatomic gold.

Alec Newald came into contact with Nexus magazine in 1995 to publish his book, “CoEvolution,” describing his incredible ten-day trip to the homeworld of his kidnappers, Haven, and the controversy created by his case on Earth.(Alec Newald)

We find the story of Alec particularly fascinating; And having met and spoken at the 1996 NEXUS Conference, we have no reason to doubt its integrity.

In 1989, Alec Newald’s life path took an unexpected turn when he was kidnapped by a group of benevolent foreigners for ten days and transported home.

What you learned and experienced during your stay with these kind beings has profound implications for all of us here on earth. Shortly after his “return”, Alec received strange visits from “government scientists” who wanted to know his experience.(Alec Newald)

His incredible experiences are of great importance for the future of humanity and our galactic cousins.



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