
Baba Vanga predicted the coronavirus and population confinement worldwide

Coach and former Bulgarian gymnast Nechka Robeva, 73, has made a shocking revelation on social media: Baba Vanga predicted the coronavirus pandemic when she visited her, just before she died at 84.

“This virus also came to us,” Robeva posted on her Facebook profile. “Aunt Vanga predicted when I visited her years ago: ‘Neshka, the Crown will be upon us.’ I didn’t realize what those words meant then. ”

Baba Vanga predicted the coronavirus

According to the British Daily Star newspaper, Robeva, who trained several Bulgarian rhythmic gymnasts who managed to become world champions, went on to say that the word “Crown” means “custody or protection” in Bulgarian and is related to the Russian leadership within the country So he assumed Vanga’s warning meant that Bulgaria would be controlled by the Russians.

“It was only now that I realized it was Chinese flu. Let it disappear easily, ” concludes a former Bulgarian gymnast.

In addition to what she told Robeva, Vanga mentioned the virus in the 1970s when she predicted that around the end of the first decade of this century, there would be an epidemic of a deadly new disease that would spread worldwide and kill many persons. She even said that the virus would start in China. She also noted that a vaccine would take a whole year to develop.

The also known as Nostradamus of the Balkans predicted a dark 2020, saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be assassinated in the Kremlin and that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, would suffer a brain tumor that would leave him deaf or dead. Vanga also predicted Borís Yeltsin’s second electoral victory, even warned him about his heart condition.

Baba Vanga predicted the coronavirus

Not to mention that in 1989 he warned of the “horror” for the United States, saying that “the American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds . ” And 22 years later these “birds” were the planes used in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 . Experts in the field claim that blind mysticism had an 85% success rate with its predictions.

Again we are facing a fulfilled prophecy, Unfortunately, day by day there are new infected and new deaths, and the truth is that we do not know how far the mortal power of COVID-19 will go. What seems to be clear is that we are at the gates of a new world , very different from the one we lived until now. Nothing will be the same and possibly people are not aware of what is really happening. But if you think about it coldly, sometimes it is good to live in ignorance.

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