
Beings of other worlds created the human being according to the Book of the ancient Mayas

The book, of great historical and spiritual value, has been erroneously called the Sacred Book or the Bible of the Maya “K’iche”. It is composed of a series of stories that try to explain the origin of the world, of civilization, of various phenomena that occur in nature, etc.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)

These beings who created mankind are referred to in the Popol Vuh, as “the Creator, the Ancient, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent, (” they “who engender),” They “who give existence, hovering over water as A light at dawn. ” What does this mean? It is originally thought that the ancestors referred to “They” when they tried to speak of the (gods, celestial beings) “to the creators of the humanity”.

Curiously, the ancestors talk about how everything came to be, and through these lines of the Popol Vuh we can clearly appreciate the supposed influence that “They” had in the creation of “man.” When one reads through chapter one of the book we find the following:

“They were hidden under green and blue feathers, for that reason they are called Gucumatz (Feathered Serpent). Of great sages, of great thinkers is their nature.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)

In this way there was the sky and also the Heart of Heaven, that this is the name of God. So they counted. Here came the word, they came together with Tepeu (the Dominator) and Gucumatz (the Feathered Serpent), in the darkness of night, and Tepeu and Gucumatz spoke with each other. They spoke, therefore, consulting one another and meditating; They agreed, gathered their words and thought.

Beings of other worlds created the human being

Then it was clearly stated, while they meditated, that when the sun should appear the man. Then they arranged the creation and growth of trees and vines and the birth of life and the creation of man. It was thus arranged in darkness and at night by the Heart of Heaven, which is called Hurricane.

The first one is called Caculhá Hurricane (The Lightning). The second is Chipi-Caculhá (The Furrow of the Lightning). The third is Raxa-Caculha (The Lightning Striking). And these three are the Heart of Heaven. ” It is interesting to note that not only the Creator, the Ancient, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent CREATED man, they created everything else: “Then the earth was created by them.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)

This is how the creation of the earth was done. Earth! They said, and it was instantly made. Like the mist, like the cloud and like a cloud was the creation, when the mountains came up from the water; And instantly the mountains grew. Only by a prodigy, only by magic art the formation of the mountains and the valleys was realized; And instantly the cypress trees and pine forests sprouted together on the surface. And so Gugumatz was filled with joy, saying, “Good is your coming, Heart of Heaven; You, Hurricane, and you, Chípi-Caculhá, Raxa-Caculha! Our work, our creation will be finished, they replied.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)
Beings of other worlds created the human being

“The earth was then covered with the various forms of animal life. The Creator and the Ancient say to the animals: Say, then, our names, praise us! “But the animals could not speak like a man! Then said their authors: “Our glory is not yet perfect, for you can not call upon us. You will have lays and food, but as for your flesh, it will be eaten.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)

This is your destiny. » Does the old text speak that several times “they” tried to create man? It seems as if these beings had failed at first, and in “heaven” “they” sat down and thought it over once more. Can you literally sit in the sky?

Well, probably, if you’re on a plane or another vehicle … right? Here is what the ancient texts summarize: “Once again there is a council in heaven. “Let us try again, let us make of them those who are to be our vehicles and feeders.” So the Creators were determined to make man. From the red earth they molded their flesh; But when they did, they saw that it was not good.

He was incoherent, had no strength, was inept, watery; He had been endowed with speech, but he had no intelligence; And then it was consumed in the water without being able to stand. ” It seemed as if the Creator, the Ancient, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent, “They” who beget, “They” who gave existence would not have been satisfied with their creation and disappeared as they pleased.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)

“Once again the gods took counsel. It was decided that the man be made of the wood of the tzité (cork), and the woman of the marrow of the zibac (willow); But the result was not satisfactory – they were merely wooden mannequins. And these are the people who inhabit the surface of the earth. They existed and multiplied, but they had neither the heart nor the intelligence, nor the memory of its creators. They led a waste of life and lived like animals.

Beings of other worlds created the human being

“They were but an attempt by men. Because they did not direct their thoughts to the Heart of the Heavens, the face of the earth darkened, and a sad rain began to fall. Then came all the animals, big and small (and men were) struck on their own faces by sticks and stones.

All who had served them spoke, to torment them; Even their utensils took shape and voice to add to their misery. Then the men ran back and forth in despair. They sought shelter on the roofs, but the houses collapsed beneath them;

They tried to climb the trees, but the trees threw them down; They tried to enter the caverns, but the caverns were closed before them. In this way the destruction of these creatures was achieved,
The third part of the Popol Vuh continues the creation story with the following text:

Once again the gods communed together and the Creator and the Ancient made four perfect men – their flesh was composed entirely of yellow and white corn. “

The name of the first was Balam-Quitze; Of the second, Balam-Agab; Of the third, Mahucutah; Of the room, Iqi-Balam “.

Here is the interesting part of Popol Vuh:

they had neither father nor mother, nor were made by ordinary agents in the work of creation, but their coming into existence was an extraordinary miracle, caused by the special intervention of the Creator. “Truly, at least, the gods saw beings who were worthy of their origin.”

As can be seen in the earlier parts of the Popol Vuh, we have detailed descriptions of how beings who were not of the Earth, CREATED man: the Creator, the Ancient, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent, The Breeder, The Breeder Existence had had a very close communion on several occasions, and after several attempts, “THEY” created humanity.(Beings of other worlds created the human being)


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