
Civilisation 8000 Year Older Than Mayans Found In Mexico

The remains of a Civilisation 8000 Year Older Than Mayans was an old ocher mine, and it might be the oldest human remains on the American continent.

Scientists from the Quintana Roo Aquifer System Research Center (CINDAQ) found the remains of a Civilisation 8000 Year Older Than Mayans in a complex of underwater caves in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) and it might be the oldest evidence of human civilisation on the American continent.

Civilisation 8000 Year Older Than Mayans

The findings of this team have been published in Science Advances .  
It is a thousand of year old ocher mine presently submerged in water ,which was found in a labyrinth of tunnels of than 374 km.

After more than 100 dives and 600 hours of work, CINDAQ researchers collected samples and taok more than 20,000 photographs. 

Ocher is a mineral that is the oldest known natural pigment. It was used by Neanderthals. 

The ancient Mexicans went into the caves in search of it, because they needed it to paint, to dye objects, to use it in rituals and for hygiene reasons, since it was used to scare away insects. 

Instruments have been found in the area to extract the ocher, the wells where they dug, and stone mounds purposely created for orientation. 
Remains of bonfires , with charcoal and even soot marks have also been found on the ceiling of the cave.  

CINDAQ experts believe that much remains to be discovered and that there might be some 2,000 km of tunnels still unexplored.

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