The UFO over the Red Moon Valley could not be identified by pilots nor appeared on radar.
It was extremely bright and was sighted for 45 minutes.

This location is popularly called the Valley of the Moon.
On the outskirts of General Roca, in the Patagonian province of Río Negro, is this beautiful geological formation that attracts thousands of visitors at all times of the year … And apparently also objects from other worlds.
Minutes before 7:00 pm on June 30, a plane from the flight instructors team of the capital’s aeroclub took off from the Presidente Perón Airport in the neighboring province of Neuquén; On board were Federico Franke, head of the airport and Sergio Fernández, the head of Flight Instructors.
«We were conducting an instruction flight and saw an intense light in the southern area of Roca.
At first glance, it looked like a commercial airplane, but we were surprised that it was 45 minutes static, “said Fernández. “We ruled out that it was a flight because it was also not registered at the airport, nor was it a drone because it cannot reach that high or a geostationary satellite because it was cloudy so that it could be visualized in that way.”

“We immediately contacted the airport control tower, who confirmed that they also saw it clearly, despite the fact that from time to time it was hiding behind a blanket of clouds,” added Franke, the other crew member.
“Air traffic controllers checked the primary radars of the air station and none of them yielded results, so they ruled out that it was a regular aircraft, although the light source was even slightly more powerful than that of a commercial aircraft,” he added.
The pilots also specified that the mysterious light was standing in midair at a height of approximately 2,000 meters and located 5 kilometers south of Roca, an area that coincides with the famous landscape of the Red Moon Valley.
Finally, at around 7:50 p.m., about 45 minutes after appearing, the powerful light suddenly faded away.
No photographic evidence
Although the pilots’ curiosity was important, they never attempted to approach the light source for two fundamental reasons; The first is that flights are strictly regulated by the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) and the flight plan previously informed cannot be altered, unless an emergency arises; The second and most important reason is that for safety, pilots must keep their distance from any anomalous event, as it was in this case.
When transcending the news in the local media, the main question from some people was the fact that the object has been in sight for so long and that it has not been photographed or filmed.
In this regard, the instructor explained: «We were not able to take photographs of it with our cell phones, because the distance was so great that it was not well distinguished. For now the memory will remain in our minds ».
However, recently a presumed photo of the UFO began to circulate (the first to illustrate this news), provided by a resident who would have taken it from the Mosconi neighborhood of General Roca with a cell phone.

Another possible witness to the same UFO over the Red Moon Valley
A police source in the province of Río Negro reported that at approximately the same time, the driver of a car that was stopped by the officers at the roadside post on the Paso Córdoba highway bridge, on provincial route No. 6, said having seen a very bright light to the west (towards Neuquén), but since the man’s version did not seem to represent a danger that they should worry about, they did not give it much importance, thinking that it was one of the many stories that the locals tell about the Moon Valley, or the story of someone wanted to mislead the uniformed men to prevent them from letting him continue on his way, for not having the enabling permits imposed within the framework of the quarantine in force in the southern country.
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