
Ghostly Apparition Recorded In An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital In Wales

Haunted hospitals are old buildings where a lot of people passed away. 
And because of the long-standing stigmas surrounding mental illness, it should come as no surprise that many such hospitals are now considered haunted that once housed people with poorly understood mental disorders. Ghostly apparition is often observed in and around such places.

A Ghostly Apparition Was Recorded In An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital In Wales

 A ghostly apparition in the asylum

The ghost of a deceased patient was videotaped in an abandoned psychiatric hospital in Wales. 
Kayleigh Love was exploring the haunted facility when a dark figure appeared at the end of the hall.

In the video, Kayleigh walks into a bathroom to look around before going down the hall. 
Unaware of the eerie figure, she lowers the camera, only to raise it again seconds later when the eerie form disappears. 
It wasn’t until she reviewed the footage that she saw the presence.

“My stomach churned .”Even when I had to edit the video later to slow it down so others could see it as well, it made me feel nervous and uncomfortable.”


Kayleigh, who often visits supposedly haunted places, did not provide information on the location of the facilities to avoid being mugged. 
However, her description of the place matches that of Mid-Wales Hospital, a psychiatric facility in Talgarth, Powys, which opened in 1903 and was shut down in 1999.
The 27-year-old believes the mysterious figure may be the appearance of a deceased patient.

“I think it’s a patient who is still trapped there and her room was located down that hallway. “I feel like her story needs to be told and maybe this is her approach to cross and escape from this asylum. Looking at the images now, it still scares me to think that we were so close to her and it almost seems like she’s actually walking towards us. What surprises us the most is the fact that she is not transparent in any way, she is a solid figure who presented herself to us. “


Kayleigh said that the images have provoked all kinds of reactions on social media, even some skeptics are completely baffled and have not been able to find a logical and rational explanation.

“Some skeptics I know are completely baffled by this evidence and cannot offer an explanation.” “Some others have made comments that go so far as to accuse me of having a friend in disguise. All I can say is: if this evidence of a spirit is good enough to look like a real-life person, then I have hit the jackpot when it comes to paranormal evidence. And it’s only after researching and exploring for five months; people do this for years and they don’t gather much evidence. “

Originally called the Talgarth Hospital and the Brecon and Radnor Counties Joint Lunatic Asylum, Mid-Wales Hospital had very advanced facilities for its time. 
It had gardens and workshops, as well as a large recreation room, tailor, baker, shoemaker, and a printing press.

A Ghostly Apparition Was Recorded In An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital In Wales

It was converted into a war hospital in the 1940s, and then the hospital went on to perform all sorts of “experimental” treatments for patients suffering from mental illness, such as lobotomies, deep sleep therapy to induce comas, electroconvulsive therapy, and shock therapy.

As for paranormal activity, although it is one of the best pieces of evidence so far.
It is not the first time that someone has encountered the impossible. 
A photograph was taken back in 2016 apparently showed a ghostly face in one of the windows of the abandoned hospital. 
It was assumed that the ghostly apparition may have been of a patient who had a lobotomy, a war soldier who died from his injuries, or a Nazi prisoner who was executed.

Since Kayleigh did not confirm the location of the place where he investigated, it is still unknown if it is the Mid-Wales Hospital, but based on the history of paranormal activity, it would not be surprising if it was there that he recorded the ghostly apparition.

Is it a ghostly apparition, a reflection, or someone in hiding?
What is your take on it?
Let us know in the comment section.

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